William R. Bender
Colonel William R. Bender was commissioned an Ordnance Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School, 16 August 1965. His first assignment was as a Platoon Leader, Support Platoon, 215th Ordnance Company, Tulsa, Oklahoma. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Executive Officer, Detachment A-1, D Company, 12th Special Forces Group, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Unit Officer, 45th Company, 4th Student Battalion (Airborne), U.S. Army Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia; Executive Officer, 45th Company, 4th Student Battalion (Airborne), U.S. Army Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia; Section Commander, Gun Platoon, D Troop 1st Squadron 4th Cavalry, 1st Infantry Division, Vietnam; Operations Officer, D Troop 1st Squadron 4th Cavalry, 1st Infantry Division, Vietnam; Operations Officer, Aircraft Coordination Center, G-3, 1st Infantry Division, Vietnam; Section Commander, Gun Platoon, B Company, 1st Aviation Battalion, 1st Infantry Division, Vietnam; Executive Officer, Warrant Officer Candidate Company B, U.S. Army Aviation School, Hunter Army Air Field, Georgia; S-3, Student Battalion, U.S. Army Aviation School, Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia; Operations Officer, 173rd Assault Helicopter Company, Vietnam; Instructor, Communications Electronics Department, U.S. Army Artillery School, Fort Sill, Oklahoma; Company Commander, A Company 1st Battalion 143rd Infantry (Airborne) Dallas, Texas; Aviation Section Commander, 2nd Brigade, 49th Armored Division, Fort Worth, Texas; S-2, 49th Aviation Battalion, 49th Armored Division, Austin, Texas; S-2, 2nd Brigade, 49th Armored Division, Fort Worth, Texas; S-3, 2nd Battalion, 112th Armor, 49th Armored Division, Fort Worth, Texas; Executive Officer, 2nd Battalion, 112th Armor, 49th Armored Division, Fort Worth, Texas; Commanding Officer, 300th Aviation Company (Assault), Naval Air Station, Dallas, Texas; S-3, 23rd Aviation Group, Arlington, Texas; Battalion Commander, 1st Battalion, 158th Aviation, Naval Air Station, Dallas, Texas; Project Officer, Office of the Secretary of the Army, Washington, D.C. | His military education consists of: Airborne School, Pathfinder School, Officers Rotary Wing Flight Course, Jungle Operations Course, Special Forces Officer Course, Rotary Wing Instrument Flight Course, Infantry Officer Advanced Course, Ranger School, Command and General Staff Course and the Aviation Staff Officer Course.