Hall of Fame Program

About the OCS Hall of Fame Program.
The OCS Hall of Fame was established in 1958 to honor graduates who had distinguished themselves during WWII through Valorous Combat Leadership and subsequent Superior Meritorious Service. The first honoree was
Medal of Honor recipient LT Thomas Wigle. The Hall of Fame building was named in his Honor. The OCS Hall Fame is a US Army Program administered by the Commanding General of the Maneuver Center of Excellence. The
Commander of the 3rd Battalion 11th Infantry is the executive agent to oversee the OCS Hall of Fame Program. The US Army OCS Alumni
Association, an IRS 501 C 19 non-profit Veterans Organization, is the official sponsor of the OCS Hall of Fame program.
Members of the OCS Hall of Fame are honored for the following.
First *Superior Valorous Combat Leadership which includes recipients of the Medal of Honor and the
Distinguished Service Cross
SECOND *Superior Meritorious Service which includes successful Battalion and Brigade Commanders; Staff Directors; Program Managers; and Defense Attaché’s; Each being Recognized for superior meritorious serving in the rank of Full Colonel or above.
NEXT * Distinguished Public Service which includes Member of Congress; Governors of a State; Cabinet Secretaries; US Ambassadors; Mayors of Large Cities; and Federal Judges.
ALSO * Superior Public Service which includes High ranking Career Civil Servants (GS-15/ SES); High ranking State Officials; members of State Legislature; Mayors; Sheriffs; Police Chiefs; City Managers; and CEOs of Philanthropies.
AND FINALLY, * Lifelong Service which includes individuals who have a life of service to the nation and to their community which starts with Valorous Combat Leadership and or Meritorious Service and then continued with outstanding public service through Volunteerism, especially in support of Military Service Members and their Families as well as Military Veterans.
Key Officials for the OCS Hall of Fame Program.
- CG, Maneuver Center of Excellence- Responsible for the OCS Hall of Fame Program.
- Commandant, US Army Infantry School- OCS Hall of Fame Program oversight.
- President US Army Office Candidate Alumni Association (TUSAOCSAA)- Official Sponsor and Chief Advisor for the OCS Hall of Fame Program.
- Commander, 199th Infantry Brigade- OCS Hall of Fame Program oversight.
- Commander, 3rd Battalion 11th Infantry (OCS) Executive Agent for the OCS Hall of Fame Program.
- TUSAOCSAA Project Director for the OCS Hall of Fame Program- Provides advice, support, and guidance throughout the entire OCS Hall of Fame Process. Must be a member of the OCS Hall of Fame and current or former USAOCSAA Director.
- 3rd Battalion 11th Infantry (OCS) OCS Hall of Fame Project Officer- Manages the entire OCS Hall of Fame Process which includes nomination, validation, selection, and induction of each OCS Hall of Fame Cohort.
Nomination to the OCS Hall of Fame.
The 3rd Battalion 11th Infantry (OCS) begins accepting nomination on 1 June with a submission Deadline of 1 October of each calendar year. Nominees are identified and nominated in one of 5 categories. Superior Valorous Combat Leadership, Superior Meritorious Service, Distinguished Public Service, Superior Public Service, and Lifelong Service. (See criteria above) Nominations must be fully substantiated to be validated and forwarded for Board consideration. Nominations can be sent via email. Incomplete or unsubstantiated nominations will be deferred and adjudicated before the next selection cycle but may not be forwarded for board consideration this calendar year.
Nomination Packet
- Letter of Recommendation from a Person of Stature (Member of the OCS HOF, Current
and former Senior Military Officer, and TUSAOCSAA Board members)
- Address, email and phone number of the nominator and the HOF candidate.
- Proof of OCS Graduation (Diploma, ORB, School Records)
- Biography
- Induction Card (Abbreviated Biography which is presented to the Board and what is read during induction ceremony)
- Official Picture
- DD 214 or ORB if still on active duty
- Awards, Citations, news Articles required to substantiate qualification
Submit your nomination packet to
Officer Candidate School 3rd
Battalion 11th Infantry
Hall of Fame Submissions
Substantiation of Qualifications
- Superior Valorous Combat Leadership. Award Citation, ORB and or DD214
- Superior Meritorious Service. ORB and/or DD214
- Distinguished Public Service. Appointment orders, Public Service awards, Honorary Degrees, Newspaper articles.
- Superior Public Service. Appointment orders, Public Service Awards, Honorary Degrees, Newspaper articles.
- Lifelong Service. Military Record ORB and /or DD214 and substantiated volunteer service in roles of leadership.
Validation of Nominations
Validation of nominations begins 1 October. The HOF Project Officer will review nomination packets to ensure all required substantiation is complete if not he will separate into a stack of unsubstantiated nominations.
Next, the TUSAOCSAA Project Director will review all nominations and validate those that are Board ready. For those that are not the nominator will be notified of the deficiencies and will have until 1 November to return the fully substantiated nomination.
After 1 November, the HOF Project Officer will review resubmitted nomination packets to ensure all required substantiation is complete then the TUSAOCSAA Project Director will review resubmitted
nominations and validate those that are Board ready. All of those not deemed substantiated will be deferred until the next year with the goal of substantiation.
The OCS Hall of Fame Selection Board
Board Members
- CG, Maneuver Center of Excellence, or designated representative
- Commandant, US Army Infantry School, or designated representative
- Commandant, US Army Armor School, or designated representative
- President of the US Army OCS Alumni Association or designated representative
- Honorary Colonel of the 11th Infantry or designated representative
The Board will convene with the principal or their designated representative in the first week of December. The HOF Project Officer will notify and confirm attendance. One week prior to the Board, Board members will be given the Biographies of the nominees with a cover letter signed by the Commander 3rd Battalion 11th Infantry (OCS) verifying each nominee has been substantiated as qualified based on the published criteria.
Execution of the OCS Hall of Fame Selection Board
The Board will meet at the designated time and place. The Senior Active-Duty Officer will be the President of the Board. The Board President will make opening remarks, the Honorary Colonel of the 11th Infantry will preset a summarized history of the OCS Hall of Fame. The Commander, 3rd Battalion 11th Infantry (OCS) will lead the process and make administrative remarks. Full nomination packets are available for review if requested. The induction card of each nominee is presented, followed by open discussion and then a secret vote. Once presentations and votes are complete the Board breaks allowing the Commander 3rd Battalion 11th Infantry (OCS) and the HOF Project Officer to tabulate the votes. The nominees are separated into two lists selected and non-selected. When the Board reconvenes, results are presented, followed by final comments and adjournment.
Notification of the OCS Hall of Fame Results
Non-Selectees are notified by Commander 3rd Battalion 11th Infantry (OCS) via telephone immediately. Official notification is prepared by HOF Project Officer and signed by the CG, Maneuver
Center of Excellence, Congratulation letters are also prepared HOF Project Officer and signed by the Commander 3rd Battalion 11th Infantry (OCS) and President of the US Army OCS Alumni Association then all are sent together to the Nominators and the HOF selectees. The email and phone numbers
of the nominators and the selectees are forwarded to the President of the US Army OCS Alumni Association so he can give unofficial notification and start the induction process.
The OCS Alumni Association
The United States Army Officer Candidate Schools Alumni Association (TUSAOCSAA) is the Alumni Association for the United States Army Officer Candidate School (OCS). The mission of our Alumni Association is to preserve the legacy of the Army’s OCS Program by supporting the Army OCS Heritage Center and the OCS Memorial Walk, as well as conducting a National Annual Reunion.