Medal of Honor Recipients

Medal of Honor

The Medal of Honor is the United States of America's highest and most-prestigious personal military decoration that may be awarded to recognize U.S. military service members who have distinguished themselves by acts of valor.

Below is a list of OCS Alumni who have been awarded the Medal of Honor

2022 Recipients Upgraded from Distinguished Service Cross and/or inducted into OCS Hall of Fame

1LT Arnold Bjorklund – WWII

2LT George W. Boyce - WWII

2LT John Butts - WWII

2LT Dale Christensen – WW

2LT Robert Craig - WWII

MAJ John Duffy - Vietnam

1LT James H. Fields - WWII

2LT Almond E. Fisher – WWII

2LT Thomas W. Fowler - WWII

1LT Jack L. Knight – WWII

CPT Edward C. Krzyzowski – Korea

CPT Daniel W. Lee, Sr. -WWII

2LT Robert R. Leisey – Vietnam

1LT Edgar H. Lloyd - WWII

2LT Harry J. Michael – WWII

CPT Robert E. Roeder – WWII

1LT Donald K. Schwab – WWII

LTC Edward L. Silk – WWII

CPT Seymour W. Terry – WWII

MAJ Charles L. Thomas - WWII

CPT Francis Wai - WWII

MAJ Benjamin F. Wilson – Korea

1LT David C. Waybur - WWII

2LT Raymond Zussman – WWII

All OCS Graduates - Recipients of the Medal of Honor - as of September 30, 2022.

1LT Vernon J. Baker

1LT Arnold L. Bjorklund

LTC Orville E. Bloch

1LT Cecil H. Bolton

2LT George W.G. Boyce, Jr.

1LT Francis Burke

2LT John E. Butts

2LT Dale E. Christensen

2LT Robert Craig

COL Bruce P. Crandall

CPT Reginald B. Desiderio

1LT Stephen H. Doane, Jr.

CPT Roger H.C. Donlon

MAJ John J. Duffy

MAJ Kern W. Dunagan

2LT Harold B. Durham, Jr.

LTC Don C. Faith

1LT James H. Fields

2LT Almond E. Fisher

1LT Douglas B. Fournet

2LT Thomas W. Fowler

CPT Harold A. Fritz

1LT James A. Gardner

CPT Joseph X. Grant

CPT Florent A. Groberg

1LT Lauren D. Hagen

LTC Raymond G. Harvey

2LT Robert J. Hibbs

MAJ Freeman V. Horner

1LT Victor L. Kandle

LTC Charles S. Kettles

1LT Jack L. Knight

CPT Edward C. Krzyzowski

2LT Darwin K. Kyle

1LT Daniel W. Lee

2LT Robert R. Leisy

1LT Edgar H. Lloyd

1LT Walter J. Marm, Jr.

1LT Robert M. McGovern

2LT Harry J. Michael

1LT Gary L. Miller

1LT Jimmie W. Monteith, Jr.

LTC Charles P. Murray

COL Robert P. Nett

LTC Carlos C. Ogden

1LT Robert L. Poxon

CPT Alfred V. Rascon

CPT Ronald E. Ray

1LT Bernard J. Ray

2LT Pau F. Riordan

1LT James E. Robinson, Jr

CPT Robert E. Roeder

CPT Gary M. Rose

1LT Ruppert L. Sargent

1LT Donald K. Schwab

COL Robert S. Scott

LTC Edward A. Silk

1LT George K. Sisler

LTC James M. Sprayberry

CPT William D. Swenson

MAJ James A. Taylor

CPT Seymour W. Terry

CPT Charles L. Thomas

COL John J. Tominac

1LT Robert M. Viale

2LT Francis B. Wai

MG Keith L. Ware

1LT John E. Warren, Jr.

1LT Robert T. Waugh

1LT David C. Waybur

CPT Eli Whitely

2LT Thomas W. Wigle

1LT Charles Q. Williams

MAJ Benjamin F. Wilson

2LT Raymond Zussman

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