The US Army OCS Alumni Association is an IRS 501-c-19 non-profit Veterans Organization, organized 1986

OCS Heritage Center
OCS History
OCS Memorial Walk
Attention In The TOC!
We encourage you to Get Involved.
Reunite with your Graduating Class.
The United States Army
Officer Candidate Schools
Alumni Association
Lieutenant Colonel (R) Ken Braswell, OCS Class 2-74
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would like to receive regular updates and articles from The U.S. Army OCS Alumni Association, click the button below.
OCS Branch School
Here are links to our past - Branch Specific OCS Programs

Association Goals and Objectives
- Execute Annual Reunion
- Construct and maintain OCS Heritage Center
- Support OCS Hall of Fame
- Build and maintain OCS Memorial Walk
- Enable Classmate Search With Tools
- Assist Class Reunions
- Preserve Yearbooks and Memorabilia