Willard N. Timm, Jr.
Colonel Willard N. Timm, Jr. was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Class 19-69, 23 May 1969. His first duty assignment was as Assistant Adjutant, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 46th Infantry. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Assistant Legal Officer, 1st Armored Division, Staff Judge Advocate, Fort Hood, Texas; Platoon Leader, 110th Military Police Company, Camp Ames, Korea; Stock Control Officer, 693rd General Stock Control Company, Commander, Mortar Company, 469th Service and Supply Battalion, Van Nuys, California; Trial Counsel 200th, Judge Advocate General's Corps Detachment, Columbus, Georgia; Chief International Law/Claims 213th Military Law Center, 81st United States Army Reverse Command; Chamblee, Georgia; Senior Officer 200th Judge Advocate General Detachment, Columbus, Georgia; Deputy Staff Judge Advocate , 81st United States Army Reserve Command, East Point, Georgia; Commander, 213th Legal Support Organization, Decatur, Georgia; Command Staff Judge Advocate, 335th Theater Signal Command, East Point, Georgia. | As a civilian Colonel Timm is also serving as Assistant District Counsel, Office of Chief Counsel, Internal Revenue Service.