Richard O. Stewart


Richard O. Stewart


Colonel Richardson O. Stewart was commissioned an Military Intelligence Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School 2 May 1944, class 323-A. His first duty assignment was as Training Officer, Range Officer, Headquarters Military Intelligence Training Cen, Camp Ritchie, Maryland. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Photo Interpreter, European Theater of Operations, PI Team 119, Headquarters Vi Corps, XV Corps, Photo Interpreter Team, 119, 14th Armored Division; Tactical Officer, OCS and Pre West, 3rd STR, TSB, Fort Benning, Georgia; I&R Platoon Leader, Mortar Platoon Leader, Rifle Platoon Leader, 3rd Infantry Regiment, Headquarters Company, Company M, 16th Infantry Regiment and Company I; Rifle Platoon Leader, 16th Infantry, Company I, Berlin; Photo Interpreter, PI Team 501, Fort Sill, Oklahoma; Intel Staff Officer/Strategic Intel School/Intel Staff Officer/, OACofs, G-2 Department Army, Washington, D.C.;  Intel Branch Chief, OACofs, G-2 AFFE/8th Army, Department of Army, Tokyo; Intel Branch Chief, OACofs, G-2 AFFE/8th Army, Aama, Japan; USA Reserve Advisor and Area Commander, XX Corps, USAR Adv Group, Springfield. Ohio; Assistant Army Attache, OACSI, Duty Station, Seoul, Korea; Executive Officer and Deputy BG Commander, 1st BG, 87th Infantry, 2d Division, Fort Bennning, Georgia; OACS, G-2, Headquarters, 2d Infantry Division, Fort Benning, Georgia; Intel Adv, I Corps, USMACV Adv Group; Da Nang, Vietnam; Chief USSR/Europe Branch, Special Research Detachment, OACSI, DA, Fort Meade, Maryland; Chief, Scientific-Tech Division, OACSI, DA, Pentagon, Washington, D.C.; Deputy Director of Intelligence, Pentagon; Deputy Director of Intel, OACSI, DA, Pentagon.

Additional Information

Graduated From
Fort Benning, Georgia
Key Assignment
Photo Interpreter, European Theater of Operations, PI Team 119, Headquarters Vi Corps, XV Corps, Photo Interpreter Team, 119, 14th Armored Division
Highest Award
Year Inducted
Branch Of Service
Military Intelligence

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Sankalp Menon

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