Richard K. Addo


Richard K. Addo


Colonel Richard K. Addo was commissioned as a Transportation Corps Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Class 1-87, 20 February 1987. His first duty assignment was as a Platoon Leader, 60th Transportation Company, Camp Humphries, Korea. | His subsequent duty assignments were: Movement Control Officer, 49th Movement Control Battalion, Fort Hood, Texas; Assistant Battalion S3 Officer, 28th Transportation Battalion, Mannheim, Germany; Battalion S1 Officer, 28th Transportation Battalion, Mannheim, Germany; Company Commander, 598th Medium Truck Company, Mannheim, Germany; Company Commander, Transportation Barge Terminal, Mannheim, Germany; Plans Officer (Logistics), 8th U.S. Army G4, Seoul, Korea; Budget Analyst, 8th U.S. Army Resource Management, Seoul, Korea; Comptroller (Contingency Ops), U.S. Army Europe G8, Heidelberg, Germany; Comptroller, 21th Theater Sustainment Command, Kaiserslautern, Germany; Comptroller, Multinational Forces Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq; Comptroller (Forward), Army Central Command (ARCENT), Camp Arifjan, Kuwait; Program Evaluation Group Chief, Army G4 (Sustaining PEG), Pentagon, Washington D.C.; Assistant Professor, Eisenhower School (NDU), Fort McNair, Washington D.C. | Colonel Addo's military education and training includes: Officer Candidate School, Airborne School, Air Assault, Transportation Officer Basic Course, Officer Advance Course (Transportation), Combined Arms and Services Staff School (CAS3), Logistics Executive Development Course, Army Comptroller Course, Command and General Staff College, Industrial College of the Armed Forces. | His military awards and decorations include: the Defense Superior Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (4), Army Commendation Medal (2), Army Achievement Medal (4), Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal (Kuwait), Kuwait Liberation Medal (Saudi Arabia), Southwest Asia Service Medal (2), Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon (3), Global War On Terrorism Service Medal.

Additional Information

Graduated From
Officer Candidate School Fort Benning, Georgia
Highest Award
Graduation Year
Year Inducted
Branch Of Service
Transportation Corps

Author Info

Sankalp Menon

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