Ralph L. Bishop


Ralph L. Bishop


Colonel Ralph L. Bishop was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from officer Candidate School in August of 1959. His first duty assignment was as Executive Officer, 29th Military Police Detachment, 29th Infantry Division, Maryland Army National Guard. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Company Commander, 29th Military Police Company, 29th Infantry Division, Maryland Army Reserve National Guard; Reserve Component Aviation Advisor, Headquarters, 6th U.S. Army; Army National Guard Aviation Advisor, Headquarters, U.S. Forces Command; Chief, Aviation Force Structure, Office of the Chief, Army Reserve; Special Project Officer, USAR Advisor, U.S. Army Aviation School and Center; Special Project Officer, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations, Headquarters, U.S. Army South; Acting Commander, 128th Aviation Brigade. | Colonel Bishop's military education and training includes: Military Police Officer Advanced Course, Officer Rotary Wing Course, Officer Basic Course, Officer Advanced Course, Aviation Armament Maintenance Supervisors Course, Command and General Course. | His awards and decorations include: Meritorious Service Medal, 2 Oak Leaf Cluster; National Defense Service Medal; Army Reserve Achievement Medal; Armed Forces Reserve Medal; Army Service Ribbon; Army Senior Aviator Badge. | Colonel Bishiop also retired as an Aviation Army Reserve Officer.

Additional Information

Graduated From
Fort Benning, Georgia
Key Assignment
Company Commander, 29th Military Police Company, 29th Infantry Division, Maryland Army Reserve National Guard
Highest Award
Meritorious Service Medal
Year Inducted
Branch Of Service

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Sankalp Menon

Member since 5 years ago
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