Michael A. Charlton
Colonel Michael A. Charlton is a native of South Wales, Great Britain. He was commissioned a Second Lieutenant of Infantry upon graduation from Officer Candidate School in 1967. | Colonel Charlton assumed command of the Consolidated Training Activity on 17 April 1989. Prior to this assignment, he served in a number of Command and Staff assignments including: California PSTONE and REFORGER 88 Action Officer, HQ, USAREUR; Deputy and Acting Commandant, Army Reserve Readiness Training Center, Fort McCoy, Wisconsin; Plans and Operations Officer, 1189th Transportation Terminal Unit, Charleston, South Carolina; Company Commander, S3, and G2 (Air), in the 3d Infantry Division; and served two tours of duty in the Republic of Vietnam, to include service w/ the 101st Airborne Division. | His military education includes the Infantry Officer Advanced Course, Command and General Staff College, National Security Management Course and the Air War College Non-resident Course. He also earned a dual-Master of Arts degree in International and Human Relations from Webster University. | Colonel Charlton’s decorations include the Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal w/ four Oak Leaf Clusters, Air Medal, and Army Commendation Medal w/ three Oak Leaf Clusters. He has also been awarded the Expert Infantry Badge, Aircraft Crewmans Badge, and Parachutist Badge.