Mark L. Hoke
Colonel Mark L. Hoke was commissioned a Medical Service Corps Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Class 1-59, 19 December 1958. His first duty assignment was as Registrar, 5th Evacuation Hospital (Semi Mobile), 55th Medical Group, XVIII Airborne Corps, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. | His subsequent duty assignment include: Supply Officer, 2nd Surgical Hospital (Mobile Army), 55th Medical Group, XVIII Airborne Corps, Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Adjutant, 5th Evacuation Hospital (Semi Mobile), 55th Medical Group, XVIII Airborne Corps, Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Detachment Commander, 15th Field Hospital, 55th Medical Group, XVIII Airborne Corps, Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Intelligence Officer, 55th Medical Group, XVIII Airborne Corps, Third U.S. Army, Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Company Commander, 560th Medical Company (Ambulance), 65th Medical Group, Eighth United States Army, Camp Nabors, Republic of Korea; Administrative Assistant, Department of Clinics, Kimbrough Army Hospital, Fort George G. Meade, Maryland; Executive Officer, 3rd Hospitalization Unit, 45th Field Hospital Operating, U.S. Army Hospital (Leghorn), Southern European Task Force, Leghorn, Italy; Executive Officer, 70th Medical Battalion (Separate), 55th Medical Group, 44th Medical Brigade, U..S Army, Vietnam, Quin Nohn, Republic of Vietnam; Executive Officer, 91st Evacuation Hospital (Semi Mobile), 68th Medical Group, 44th Medical Brigade, U.S. Army Vietnam; Tuy Hoi, Republic of Vietnam; Operations Staff Officer, Operations Branch, Plans and Operations Division, Directorate of Plans, Supply and Operations, Office of the Surgeon General Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C.; Plans Officer, Plans Branch, Plans and Operations Division, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Headquarters, U.S. Army Health Services Command, Fort Sam Houston, Texas; Operations Staff Officer, Operations Branch, Operations and Training Division, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Headquarters, U.S. Army Health Services Command, Fort Sam Houston, Texas; Battalion Commander, 1st Medical Battalion, 1st Infantry Division, U.S. Army Forces Command, Fort Riley, Kansas; Operations Officer, 44th Medical Brigade, 1st Corps Support Command, XVIII Airborne Corps, Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Branch Chief, Operations Branch, Plans and Operation Division, Directorate of Health Care Operations, Office of the Surgeon General, Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C.; Department of Defense Joint Staff Officer, Logistic Procedures/Civil Engineering Branch, Logistics Division (J4), Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington, D.C.; Branch Chief, Logistic Procedures/Civil Engineering Branch, Logistics Division, (J4), Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington, D.C.; Installation Commander, Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland. Colonel Hoke also served as President of the Board of County Commissioners of Frederick County, Maryland; the elected governing body of that county.