Louis Okyen
Colonel Louis Okyen was commissioned an Infantry Branch Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Class, 25 July 1952. His first duty assignment was as Platoon Leader, Co E, 2d Bn, 11th IN Rgt, IGMR, Pennsylvania. | His subsequent duty assignments include: 7th Engineer Combat Bn (Leadership School), Indiantown Gap Military Reservation (IGMR), PA Mandatory prerequisite for attending OCS. Honor Graduate and Promoted to Corporal. (E-4). Retained as an instructor. OCS, Fort Benning Georgia. Commissioned Second Lieutenant in 7/25/52 Returned to IGMR, PA. for Officer's Leadership School. Attendance required for all newly commissioned officers prior to assignment to troop unit. Was honor graduate of the course. Co. E, 2nd Bn, 11th Inf Regiment., IGMR, PA. Platoon Leader: Training and firing range officer. While enroute to Korea, attended CBR School, Eta Jima, Japan. Learned offensive and defensive CBR skills/ techniques, Co. G, 2nd Bn, 65th Inf. Regiment., 3rd Inf. Div. In Korea. Served as infantry platoon leader while engaged in offensive and defensive combat operations. Led my platoon in the recapture of Kumwha Valley and the resources of the 555 Arty Brigade. Also served as periodic instructor at the 3d Infantry Division's NCO Academy to produce sorely needed replacement combat NCOs. Headquarters, 65th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division, Was appointed Regimental Information and Education (I&E), Officer to initiate I&E Center. Objective was to improve troop education, knowledge and awareness of local and international conditions/events. To improve Puerto Rican and KATUSA troops' English language skills. (Promoted to I51 Lieutenant), Co. G, 65th Inf Regiment, 3rd Inf. Div., Korea. Infantry Platoon, Leader. Conducted post-combat operations, CO, Headquarters Co, 2nd Bn , 65th Inf, Regiment, 3rd Inf. Div., Korea., Commanding Officer directing the admin and logistics activities of various Bn operations. Awarded ARCOM. U.S. Army Recruiting Main Station (RMS) Cincinnati, Ohio. Performed various duties of both a Recruiting and Induction Officer. Supervised Recruiting Stations and related activities in 34 counties of southern Ohio.; Co H, 6th Inf Regiment, Berlin Command; Recoil Platoon Leader in divided Berlin, GER.; Berlin Cmd, NCO Academy; Selected to assist in the formation and manning of new NCO Academy. Performed duties of Tactical Officer, Counselor, and Instructor.Co F, 6th lnf Regiment, Berlin Cmd.; Executive Officer. Performed Admin. and Logistics duties. Promoted to Capt. Pinned by Gen. (then Col.) Fred C. Weyand (future COMUSMACV).; CO , Co D, 3rd Battle Group , 6th Inf Regiment., Berlin Cmd. Performed tactical training, honor guard ceremonies, riot control, convoy protection, and combat in cities demos. Company used as a show unit for visiting dignitaries.(Unit received numerous citations for meritorious performance.) Received 2nd ARCOM. Student at U.S. Army Infantry School (USAIS) Fort Benning, Ga. Infantry Advanced Course. U.S Army Airborne School, Fort Benning, GA.; Student. Received Paratrooper wings.; Headquarters. Mil. District of Wash. (MDW) ; Assigned as Military Personnel Procurement Officer (MPPO). Encouraged and facilitated the enlistment and reenlistment of personnel into various army programs, i.e. Warrant Officer, OCS, West Point, helicopter, etc. Received 3rd ARCM.; Army Republic of Vietnam (ARepublic of Vietnam) Div. Hue, VN; Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG). Performed advisory duties for the VN Div staff concerning the training, equipping, and operations Of the Civil Guard and Strategic Defense Forces (CGSDF); and the expansion and improvement of the Strategic Hamlet Program as advocated by SOD Robert MacNamara. (Recv'd 4th ARCOM). Executive Officer, 502nd Supply and Transport (S&T) Bn, 2nd Armored Div., Fort Hood, Texas. Supervised logistic support to Armored Div. (Assumed duties of CO due to sudden long term illness of the CO). Also, while serving in this capacity, was designated to lead Rescue and Recovery Elements to assist in the recovery of New Orleans, LA from destructive forces of Hurricane Betsy in 1965 Executive OFF, U.S. Army Reception Station (USARS). Fort Bliss, Texas. Helped initiate & staff a new Army Reception Sta. Supervised logistics and admin activities, including the receipt & in-processing of newly inducted/enlisted personnel. (Recv'd ARCOIVI). Student, U.S. Army Intelligence School (USAINTS) Fort Holabird, MD. Made decision to transfer from Infantry to the Intelligence Branch. Upon completion of Area Intelligence course , was retained as an instructor of covert and classified operations. Student, U.S. Army Command and Staff College Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. | Student, at Park College, Parkville, Missouri. Completed studies for college degree (BA, Sociology/ Psychology) under the Army Bootstrap Program. Graduated Summa Cum Laude. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Various intelligence collection duties to include issuing Specific Intelligence Collection Requirements (SICRs) to worldwide collection resources. DIA office located in Rosslyn, VA. Selected to be the HUMENT rep to the newly established DIA Current Collection Div. in the Pentagon. Issued requirements for immediate collection actions to various sources. Wrote related staff papers as required. Receivd MSM. Deputy Commander (D.C.O) of 525th Military Intelligence Group (MIG), Military assistance command, VN ( MACV). Perfonned unit admin and logistics activities. Planned and executed > collection requirements and operations against enemy forces in coNew Jerseyunction with Vietnamese counterparts in combat operations. (Saigon VN. Promoted to Col.(Pinned by Gen. Wcyand, COMUSMAC) Received Legion of Merit (LOM). Plans Officer in Def. Intel Agency (DIA) Plans Directorate, The Pentagon. Also on loan to J-2, JCS For intel planning, objectives, guidance and collection priorities, operations and management. Rcccieved MSIVI with oak leaf Cluster. Director of Intelligence and Security, Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) Directed and supervised policies, operations and issues relative to the Agency's Intelligence, CI and security requirements. Also supervised CI, classification management and related training for subject activities, as required. A primary focus was the security of US Nuclear Weapons\ facilities on a worldwide basis. Helped supervise and monitor security preparations at the Nevada Test Site in advance of nuclear tests. Coordinated many field rel activities with the ERDA. (DNA Headquarters, Alexandria, VA) Received LOM w/ Oak Leaf Cluster. | His awards and decorations include: United Nations Service Medal, Korea Svc Medal w/2 Battle Stars, Combat Infantryman Badge (CIB), CommRibbon/Army of Occupation Medal (AOM) (Berlin), Army Commendation Medal (5 Oak Leaf Cluster), Parachute Badge, Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Vietnam Commendation Medal, National Defense Service Medal (1 Oak Leaf Cluster), 2 Overseas Bars, Vietnam Commendation Honor Medal, Vietnam, Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (IOak Leaf Cluster), Legion of Merit (1 Oak Leaf Cluster), Republic of Vietnam For Honor MFC, Republic of China Honor Medal/VCOFGWP. | Colonel Okyen retired from active service 1 Nov 1979.