Juan Francisco Rosado
Brigadier General Juan Francisco Rosado was commissioned an Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School on 26 September 1963. His first duty assignment was as Tank Platoon Leader. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Inf Platoon Leader, Co A 20296th Inf Bn; Det Commander, 192d Ord Det Puerto Rico National Guard; Asst S-3 Bn level 292d Supply & Svc Bn; Adjutant, 125th MP Bn, Puerto Rico National Guard; S-4 Bn Level, 125th Mp Bn, Puerto Rico National Guard; Asst School Cmdt, PRNG-Massachusetts (State OCS); Scool Cmdt, PRNG-Massachusetts (State OCS); Asst G-3, HHD PRNG, San Juan, Puerto Rico; S-3, Command & Control, PRARNG; S-3, (Unit Redesig) Troop Command,Puerto Rico National Guard; Exc Off, Troop Command, Puerto Rico National Guard; Cdr, Cp Stgo Tng Site, Hq STARC, Puerto Rico National Guard; Director, POT&MS, Hq STARC, Puerto Rico National Guard; and Director, POT&MS, Hq Starc, PRARNG, San Juan, Puerto Rico. | Colonel Rosado holds BBA and MBA degrees from Catholic University, Ponce, Puerto Rico and his military schools attended include: IOBC, IADB, Fld Grd Off Refresher Crs, Mil Pers Off Crs, G4/S4 Course, SEADOC Course, Air Mobility Crs, C&GSC, National Security Management Crs, Def Strategy Seminar, Inter-American Defense College, Inter-Departamental Foreign Affairs Seminar, Counterterrorism, Risk Management Course, Middle Management Seminar, NGPEC, AR, USAALMC, Army Installation Mgmt Crs, Basic Procurement, GSA, Rers Mgmt for Executives. | His awards and decorations include: Armed Forces Reserve Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal, Recruiting & Retention Badge, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Army Reserve Component Overseas Training Ribbon, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal.