Jimmy P. Ashworth
Colonel Jimmy P. Ashworth was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Class 1-64 on 18 January 1964. | His first duty assignment was as a Security Platoon Leader and Assistant S-2, 303d Army Security Agency Battalion, Fort Wolters, Texas. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Team Leader, 400th Special Operations Detachment, 1st Special Forces Group; Commander, Company A, U.S. Army Security Agency, Field Station Sobie; Intelligence Order of Battle Officer, 101st Airborne Division; Intelligence Action Officer, Defense Intelligence Agency, Pentagon; Army Attache to USAmbassador, U.S. Embassy, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; Commander, 209th Military Intelligence (MI) Battalion, 501st MI Group; Commander, 1st Psychological Operations Battalion, 4th Psychological Operations Group; Commander, Joint Psychological Operations Task Force, Grenada; G-2, Combined Field Army; Deputy J-2, U.S. Forces Korea/Chief Intelligence Production, Combined Forces Command; Commander, 703d Military Intelligence Brigade, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.