Jack F. Wilhm
Colonel Jack F. Wilhm was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School in June of 1942. His first duty assignment was as Platoon Leader, Company D, 11 Training Battalion, Camp Wheeler, Georgia. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Sp Sv O, Sv Co, 28th Inf; Sv Co CO, Sv Co, 28th Inf; Sup & Evac O, Sv Co, 28th Inf; Battalion Commander, Headquarters, 2d Bn, 28th Inf European Theater of Operations; Battalion Commander, Headquarters, 3d Bn, 23 Inf , Fort Lewis, Washington; Battalion Commander, Headquarters, 2d Bn, 23 Inf, Fort Lewis, Washington; Executive Officer, Headquarters, 23d Bn, 23 Inf, Fort Lewis, Washington; Battalion Commander, Headquarters, 1st Bn, 23 Inf, Fort Lewis, Washington; Executive Officer, Headquarters, 23 Inf, Fort Lewis, Washington; Rifle Battalion Commander, 1st Bn, 25 Inf, Fort Lewis, Washington; Company Weapons and Tactics School, 2d Infantry Division, HHC, 23 Inf, Fort Lewis, Washington; Commander, 2d Inf Div Wpns & Tactics Sch, Headquarters Co, 4th RCT, Fort Lewis, Washington; Battalion Commander, Headquarters, 1st Bn, 4th RCT, Fort Lewis, Washington; Regimental Executive Officer, HHC, 4th RCT, Fort Lewis, Washington; Executive Officer, Seoul Area Command, 8219th AU FEC; Assistant G-1, Headquarters, X Corps FECOM; Instructor, Department I, CGSC, Fort Leavensworth, Kansas; Battalion Commander, Headquarters, 3d Bn, 6th A/C USAREUR; Executive Officer (G-1 Sec), Dep ACoS (G-1 Sec) Headquarters, 7th Army, USAREUR; Combat Command Commander, CCA, 4th Armd Div USAREUR; Staff Officer, Training Division, C, Training Division, Dir Org & Tng, ODCSOPS, Washington, D.C.; Assistant Director, Org & Tng, ODCSOPS, Washington, D.C.; Mbr, LANT/CARIB Br, J-3, Jt Stf, USA Elm, OJCS, Washington, D.C.; Mbr, Atlantic South Div, J-3, Jt Stf, USA Elm, OJCS, Washington, D.C.; C, Plans Division, Operations and Plans Director, J-3, Acting Director, J-5, Deputy Director, J-5, Headquarters, USSOUTHCOM, Quarry Hts, CZ; Chief of Staff, Headquarters, USARSO, Fort Amador, CZ. | His awards and decorations include: EIB, SDM, CIB, PH, SS, ACR, Croix de Guerre w/ Etoile de Argent, Croix de Guerre avee Palme, ACM, World War II Vic Medal, AOM (Ger), EAME Camp Med, ADSM, KSM w/ 4 Battle Stars, LM, NDSM (1 Oak Leaf Cluster), JSCM (1Oak Leaf Cluster), UN Svc Medal.