Francisco J. Ramos
Colonel Francisco J. Ramos was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School, 17 October 1944, class number 350. His first duty assignment was as C&GS College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. | His subsequent assignments include: C&GS College, Assistant Editor, Spanish American Editor; C&GS College, Military Review, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; Rifle Co Comdr, 26th Inf Regiment, 1st Inf Div, Bamberg, Germany; Headquarters Co Cmdr, 26th Inf Regiment, 1st Inf Div, Bamberg, Germany; Hvy Wpns Cmdr, 26th Inf Regiment, 1st Inf Div, Bamberg, Germany; Adv Course, Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia; Office of the Dir of Instr, Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia; Plans & Prog Officer, MAAG, Spain; Foreign Liaison Officer, OACSI, Headquarters, Dept of the Army, Washington, D.C.; Infantry Brigade Advisor, Quang Trung, MAAG, Vietnam; Bn Cmdr, 2d Bn, 2d Inf, Fort Devans, Mass; Plans & Policy Br, J-5, USSCOUTHCOM, U.S. Southern Command, Quary Hgts, CZ; Bde Cmdr, 2d Bde, USATC, Infantry, Fort Benning, Georgia. | His awards and decorations include: Order of Military Merit (Spain); USAF & Army Commendation Medals; Legion of Merit.