David G. Douglass


David G. Douglass


Colonel David G. Douglass was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Class 6-65 on 22 June 1965.  His first duty assignment was as Instructor Mt Ranger, USAIS Co D, Fort Benning, Georgia. | His subsequent duty assignments include:  ULT Maint Officer, 2d Rg Co 1 Stu Bn, Fort Benning, Georgia w/duty Dahlonega, GA; Platoon Leader, 2d ID, 1st Bn Co C, Vietnam; S-3 Air, HHC, 1st Bn 2d Inf Co D, Vietnam; Company Commander, Co A 3d Bn 1st AIT Bde, Fort Dix; Asst Opns Officer, Fort Buckner, Okinawa, Japan; Company Commander, MP Det Security, Fort Buckner, Okinawa, Japan; Asst Prof Military Science, Gp F ROTC Sr Prog, Fort Knox Kentucky w/duty Kent State; Branch Advisor MP, Region Puerto Rico, Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico; Br Asst TM Chief MP, Region Puerto Rico, Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico; FAO Adv LVL Trainee, USA Elm DIA, Wash D.C. Malaysia; Div Provost Marshal MP Co 8th ID, Bad Kreuznach, Germany; Ch, Mil Police Opns Br, MP Opns Agency, Falls Church, Virginia; Bn Commander, 95th MP Bn, Mannheim, Germany; Country Officer, DIA, Wash, D.C. Attache Tng, Wash, D.C.; and Defense Attache, Burma U.S. Embassy, Rangoon, Burma. | His military schools attended include:  Ranger Course, Foreign Area Officer Course, Officer Candidate School, Malaysian AFSC Course, MP Officer Career Course, Armed Forces Staff College, Cmd & Staff College. | His military awards include: Bronze Star Medal -V-3V, Purple Heart-01, Meritorious Service Medal-03, Army Commendation Medal-03, Army Achievement Medal-01, National Defense Service Medal-01, Vietnam Service Medal-02, Army Service Ribbon-01, Overseas Service Ribbon-04.

Additional Information

Graduated From
Fort Benning, Georgia
Key Assignment
ULT Maint Officer, 2d Rg Co 1 Stu Bn, Fort Benning, Georgia w/duty Dahlonega, GA
Highest Award
Bronze Star Medal
Year Inducted
Branch Of Service

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Sankalp Menon

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