Charles L. Eveland

Charles L. Eveland

Charles L. Eveland


Colonel Charles L. Eveland was commissioned as an Infantry Officer upon graduation from OCS Class #535 on 21 February 1946. His first duty assignment was as Assistant Regimental Surgeon (detailed MSC) for 14th Infantry Regiment, 71st Infantry Division, Germany. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Assistant Regimental Surgeon, 18th Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Germany; Company Commander, C Company, 3d Medical Battalion, 3rd Infantry Division, Korea; Adjutant, U.S. Army Hospital, Fort Dix, N.J.; Adjutant, U.S. Army Hospital, Fort Knox, KY; Chief of Finance Management, 549th Hospital Center, Heidelberg, Germany; Chief Int Review, Walter Reed Army Medical Center; Chief, Management Branch, HCA Div, MFSS, Texas; and Director/Professor, Army-Baylor Graduate Program, Texas. | Colonel Eveland has graduated from the Medical Field Service Advanced Course and Army-Baylor Health Service Administration. He holds a PH.D. from the University of Michigan, a MHA from Baylor University and a BA from the University of Maryland. | His military awards and decorations include: Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Korean Service Medal w/4 Battle Stars, World War II Victory Medal, World War II Army of Occupation (Germany and Japan), United Nations Service Medal, Republic of Korea Distinguished Unit Citation, National Defense Service Medal w/1 Oak Leaf Cluster and Meritorious Unit Citation. | At the time of his induction Colonel Eveland was Director/Professor, Center for Health Services Administration, Arizona State University, Arizona.

Additional Information

Graduated From
Fort Riley, Kansas
Key Assignment
Assistant Regimental Surgeon, 18th Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Germany
Highest Award
Legion of Merit
Year Inducted
Branch Of Service

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Sankalp Menon

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