Charles A. Greene
Colonel Charles A. Greene was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School, 30 October 1945, class number 503. His first duty assignment was as Platoon Leader, 6th Infantry, 1st Arm Division. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Platoon Leader - S-2, 12th Constabulary Squadron; Platoon Leader, Bn S-1, 14th ACR, 3rd Bn; Company Commander, 14th ACR, 3rd Bn; Asst S-3, 14th ACR; Ln Officer French II Corps, 7th U.S. Army; Asst G-2, 4th Arm Div, S-3 Cav Sq, 4th Inf Div; Duty Position and Place of Assignment Classified, SE ASIA; Asst Director of Instruction, Armor School Fort Knox, Kentucky; Advisor, 49th Armored Division Texas N.G., Army Advisor Group Texas; Commanding Officer, S/4 Cav Sq, 4th Armored Div; G-3, 4th Armored Div. | His awards and decorations include: Combat Infantryman Badge, Legion of Merit.