James P. Larsen
Colonel James P. Larsen was commissoned an Adjutant General’s Corp Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Branch Immaterial Officer Candidate Course Class #1-79, 22 February 1979 at Fort Benning, Georgia. Following the Adjutant General Officer Basic Course at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, his first duty assignment was as postal platoon leader, 26th AG Det Postal, Schweinfurt, Germany. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Postal Platton Leader, 26th Adjutant General Detachment Schweinfurt, Germany; Executive Officer, 26th Adjutant General Detachment Scweinfurt, Germany; Commander, 198th Personnel Services Company, Ludwigsburg Composite Team, Ludwigsburg, Germany; Adjutant/HHD Cdr, U.S. Army Aviation Engineering Flight Activity, Edwards Air Force Base, California; Chief, Personnel Actions Branch, 101st Personnel Services Company, Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Installation Adjutant General, U.S. Army Garrison, Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Chief, Enlisted Management Branch, Assistant Chief of Staff G1/AG, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Company Commander, 198th Personnel Services Company, Fort Campbell, Kentucky and Daharan Saudi Arabia; Chief, Data Accuracy Section, Enlisted Personnel Management Directorate, U.S. Total Army PERSCOM, Alexandria, Virginia; Chief, Plans, Procedures, and Operations Branch, Enlisted Personnel Management Division, U.S. Total Army PERSCOM, Alexandria, Virginia; Battalion Commander, 10th Soldier Support Battalion, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry), Fort Drum, New York; Assistant Chief of Staff G1/AG, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry), Fort Drum, New York and Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina; and Deputy Commander, 8th Personnel Command, Camp Coiner, Republic of Korea.