Irving R. Wendt
Colonel Irving R. Wendt was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Class 407-45, 12 February 1945. His first duty assignment was as an Instructor/Platoon Leader, Company A, 17th Infantry Training Battalion, Camp Wheeler, Georgia. | His subsequent assignments include: Administrative Officer, Headquarters Military Area Command, New Dehli, India; Search and Recovery Officer, U.S. Army Graves Registration, South East Asia; Instructor, Army Ground School, Fort Riley, Kansas; Commander, Company C, S3, 1st Battalion, 26th Infantry Regiment, Bamberg, Germany; S4, 26th Infantry Regiment, Bamberg, Germany and Fort Riley, Kansas; Instructor, Company CMTE, Infantry Officers Advanced Course, Fort Benning, Georgia; Instructor, Company Command and Staff Department, The Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia; G3 and Special Forces Advisor, Korean Military Advisory Group, Seoul, Korea; Chief, Plans Division, G3 Section, Headquarters 3rd Army, Atlanta, Georgia; Deputy and Senior Advisor, 23rd Infantry Division, Army Republic Vietnam; General Staff Division Chief, Office of the Chief Communications and Electronics, Washington D.C.; Division Chief, Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel; Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Theater Army Support Command; Commander, U.S. Forces Support District, North Germany; Military Liaison Officer, Headquarters, Bremerhaven, Germany; Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Headquarters, First U.S. Army, Fort Meade, Maryland.