James A. Mariska
Colonel James A. Mariska was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Class 9-67, 8 February 1967. His first duty assignment was as an Intelligence Staff Officer, 667th Military Intelligence Detachment, Fort Richardson, Alaska. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Counter Intelligence Officer, G-2 USARAL, Fort Richardson, Alaska; Executive Officer, 420th Military Police Company, Bozeman, Montana; MOS/Officer Advanced Course Instructor, 6228th United States Army Reserve Forces School, Boise, Idaho; Training Officer, 6228th United States Army Reserve Forces School, Helena Montana; Command and General Staff College Instructor, 6228th United States Army Reserve Forces School, Bozeman, Montana; Assistant Commandant, 6228th United States Army Reserve Forces School Billings, Montana; Commanding Officer, 125th Ordnance Battalion, Billings, Montana; Executive Officer, 159th Corps Support Group, Helena, Montana; Chief, Logistics Division, Headquarters, Forces Command, Fort McPherson, Georgia; Commandant 6228th RCTI, 104th Division, Boise Idaho; Commanding Officer, 159th Corps Support Group, Helena, Montana. | At the time of his induction, Colonel Mariska was serving as an Investment Manager with Invest Financial Corporation, Rocky Mountain Banks, Billings Montana.