John H. Newell
Colonel John H. Newell was commissioned upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Class 416-45 on 3 March 1945. His first duty assignment was as Platoon Leader, IRTC, Camp Robinson, Arkansas. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Member, Conflict & Control Team, Peiping Headquarters, Manchuria, Peiping, China; Adjutant, Station Compliment & Snp O, Joint U.S. Military Affairs Group (JUSMAG), Nanking, China; Executive Officer, Headquarters Company, 23d Infantry, 2d Infantry Divsion, Korea; Platoon Leader, L Company and Assistant S-3, 23d Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, Korea; Instructor, Tactical Department, U.S. Army Infantry School (USAIS), Fort Benning, Georgia; Assistant G2 Air, Headquarters, Seventh U.S. Army, Germany; Battalion Advisor, Armored Rifle Battalion, U.S. Army ADGRU (National Guard, California; Senior Advisor, MAAG, Vietnam; Commanding Officer, 4th Battalion (Mechanized), 41st Infantry, Fort Ord, California; Chief, Command, Control, and Operation Center, G3, Headquarters, U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC); Chief, Training Branch, D&T Division, G3, Headquarters, USARPAC.