Richard E. Boyer


Richard E. Boyer


Captain Richard E. Boyer was commissioned a Military Intelligence Officer upon graduation from the Officer Candidate School Class 4-65. His first duty assignment after graduation from Airborne School was as Chief of Operations, Intercept branch, Electronic Intelligence Division, Collection and Identification Department, Army Security Agency Training Center and School, Fort Devens, Ayers, Massachusetts, for which he received a Certificate of Achievement for Outstanding Service. | Leaving active duty in 1967 his subsequent duty assignments as a reserve officer included: Board Member, Military Intelligence Officer Evaluation Board, U.S. Army Security Agency; Evaluator, First Army Evaluation Team for Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve Units; Training Officer, 2nd Battalion, 304th Regiment, 1st Brigade, 76th Division, Saco Army Reserve Training Center culminating in his last assignment in 1971 as a military intelligence evaluator for the First U.S. Army Evaluation Team for which he received letters of appreciation for a “high standard of professionalism …,” and “duties executed to this standard of excellence.” Lieutenant Boyer finished 1971 as Captain Boyer. | Dr. Boyer distinguished himself for induction into the Hall of Fame as an attorney, state representative and senator, party chairman, educator and civic leader. Graduating from law school in 1972, he achieved distinction as an attorney being included in Best Lawyers in America, designation as a New Hampshire Bar Foundation Fellow, and admission to the New Hampshire, Florida, and the United States Supreme Court bars. As a civic leader he was President of the Nashua Boys Club, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Daniel Webster College, featured on the cover of the Greater Nashua Business Digest as an outstanding business leader, and received the Nashua Boys Club’s Man of the Year award. Upon his election to the New Hampshire State Senate he was dubbed as one of the “fastest rising political stars.” | Among the number of awards he received, he is particularly proud of receiving the VFW Special Recognition Award for Exceptional Service. His preeminence as a national political leader was enhanced with his election as Chairman of the State’s Democratic Party and underlined by his inclusion in New Hampshire Notables as one of the decade’s significant leaders. In 1992, Dr. Boyer left the courtroom for academia first serving in leadership positions as law school dean, dean of education for a private college, and president of private university. In 2001 Dr. Boyer joined Wayland Baptist University where he is now in his 16th year, having moved up the ranks of academia to full professor. At the time of his induction, Dr. Boyer continued in his role as a civic and professional leader as President-elect of the Sierra Vista Boys and Girls Club and President-elect of the Southern Arizona Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration.

Additional Information

Graduated From
Officer Candidate School Fort Benning, Georgia
Key Assignment
Airborne School was as Chief of Operations, Intercept branch, Electronic Intelligence Division, Collection
Highest Award
Graduation Year
Year Inducted
Branch Of Service
Military Intelligence

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Sankalp Menon

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