Recruitment Incentives
The United States Army
Officer Candidate Schools
Alumni Association
Hyrum Smith (founder of Franklin Covey Co and the Franklin Day Planner)
Artillery OCS Graduate Class 1-67
TUSAOCSAA currently has less than 1% of the Vietnam era and earlier graduates as active Annual and Life Members. BIOCC classes (1973 to the present day) have only .5% as members of our Association. We can and must do better as we move forward in the next few years.
Look around your class and chapters for new members or members that
may not know their membership has expired. Find more of your
classmates through Facebook and point them to our website to join.
ALL successful recruiters will receive a TUSAOCSAA coin and recognition at the General Membership Meeting and in our Attention in the TOC newsletters, whether you recruit one or fifty new members. Our new categories include the following new levels:

Once you recruit a new member, please Contact us with the name(s) of those new members along with your contact information and we will provide credit to you as soon as payment for the new member(s) are received.
We appreciate your help!
The OCS Alumni Association
The United States Army Officer Candidate Schools Alumni Association (TUSAOCSAA) is the Alumni Association for the United States Army Officer Candidate School (OCS). The mission of our Alumni Association is to preserve the legacy of the Army’s OCS Program by supporting the Army OCS Heritage Center and the OCS Memorial Walk, as well as conducting a National Annual Reunion.