Board Of Directors
Major (Ret.) James Michael (Mike) Harris

Major James Michael Harris was commissioned a Military Intelligence Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Class 3-75 at Fort Benning, GA on 20 May 1975. His first duty assignment was as an Electronic Countermeasures Staff Officer, Army Security Agency (ASA) Tactical Support Element, 24th Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, GA.
His subsequent duty assignments include: Special Security Officer, 24th Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, GA; Operations Platoon Leader, A Co, 303rd MI BN, 504th MI GRP, III Corps, Fort Hood, TX; S-2, 1st Squadron 9th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, TX; Commander, 371st ASA Company, 1st Cav Division, Fort Hood, TX; Special Security Officer, 138th Aviation Company (Electronic Warfare), Orlando, FL; G-2 Operations Officer, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, TX; S-2, 2nd Armor Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, TX; Air Intelligence Staff Officer, U.S. Central Command, MacDill AFB, FL; Instructor Communications Security Staff Officer Course, 1st ITASS, Fort Devens, MA; Strategic Signals Intelligence Analyst, Army Intelligence Threat Analysis Center, Washington, DC. He retired from U.S. Army in 1996.
Major Harris supplemented his military career as a recognized national security leader and innovator. He embodied outstanding service to the nation by safeguarding critical national security information in the National Industrial Security Program and national level Special Access Programs for more than thirty-three years. He served for decades as a volunteer leader on the Defense and Intelligence Council of the American Society for Industrial Security. In 2002 Major Harris established a unique program to safeguard assets, personnel and design information for the Pentagon Renovation Program. He contributed immeasurably to the Phoenix Project, a mission to restore the 9-1-1 damaged portion of the Pentagon within one year from the attack. Major Harris established the first regional chapter for the Army OCS Alumni Association and has recruited numerous OCS alumni. He is currently the owner of Harris Defense and Intelligence Consulting, LLC in South Boston, VA.
James Michael Harris is a graduate of U.S. Army Military Intelligence Officer's Basic Course, Fort Huachuca, AZ; U.S. Army Security Agency Signals Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Cryptology Course, Fort Devens, MA; U.S. Army Tactical Intelligence Officer's Course, Fort Huachuca, AZ; U.S. Army Military Intelligence Officer's Advanced Course, Fort Huachuca, AZ.
His military awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Overseas Service Medal with Numeral 2, Army Service Medal, and Armed Forced Reserve Medal.