Board Of Directors
Joshua Buchanan

Josh has worked for nearly 15 years with Reynolds Consumer Products, manufacturing world-class consumer goods under the brands of Hefty®, Reynolds Wrap®, Reynolds Kitchens®, and store brand labels. As Senior Director of Category Management, he leads the company’s category management and insights team in building profitable long-term relationships with retailer partners across the USA.
Since joining RCP after leaving the service in 2010, Josh has gained significant cross-functional leadership experience. He worked as an Operations Manager for Hefty® waste and storage products and a Sales Manager for Lowe’s Home Improvement. His training includes Lean, Kaizen, and other continuous improvement methodologies, and he’s visited nearly every RCP manufacturing facility in the country. He earned an MBA from the University of Illinois, and a Bachelor of Arts from James Madison University.
Josh entered the Army and was commissioned as an Infantry Officer in Dec 2004 from the OCS program at Ft Benning, GA. He deployed in support of “the surge” as a Rifle Platoon Leader to Al Anbar Province, Iraq with the 36th Infantry Regiment, 1st Armored Division for 15 months in 2006-07. Redeploying to Friedberg, Germany, 1LT Buchanan served as Company Executive Officer with the 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division in Schweinfurt. After promotion to Captain, he served as Battalion S1 (Adjutant) and Company Commander in the 2nd Infantry Regiment, 172nd Infantry Brigade in Schweinfurt from 2007-10.
CPT Buchanan’s military education includes Basic Training, OCS (Distinguished Military Graduate), Infantry Officer Basic Course, Mechanized Infantry Officer Leaders Course, Airborne School, Ranger School, and Combat Casualty Management. His military awards include the Bronze Star Medal, Army Commendation Medals (3) with Valor Devices (2), Army Achievement Medals (3), Overseas Service Ribbon with Oak Leaf Cluster, and Valorous Unit Award. Josh earned the Airborne Badge, Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman Badge, and German Armed Forces Weapons Proficiency Badge (Gold). He was awarded the Order of Saint Maurice by the National Infantry Association.
Josh was married to the former Angela Regester of Moorefield, WV in September 2007. They’re happily putting down roots in Charlotte, NC with their three children. Angela is a graduate of both Shepherd University (BA) and Liberty University (MBA), and she is a Shield of Sparta recipient from the NIA.