William E. O’Donovan
Colonel William E. O’Donovan was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School, 23 April 1943, class number 224. His first duty assignment was as Heavy Weapons Platoon Leader, Company D, 163rd Infantry, 41st Division. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Heavy Weapons Platoon leader, Co L, 163rd Inf, 41st Div; Company Commander, Regimental S-2 and S-3, Co C, 163rd Inf, 41st Div, ASPAC; Instructor - Legal Principles, Staff & Faculty, Counter Intelligence Corps School, Fort Holabird, Maryland; CIC Agent and Legal Officer of Command, 441st Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment, U.S. Army Japan and Korea; Chief, Review Div, ACofS, G-2, Army Intelligence Center, Fort Holabird, Maryland; Instructor and Chief, Rev Div, ACofS G2, Army Intelligence Center, Fort Holabird, Maryland; Exec Officer, ACofS, G-2 Army Intelligence Center, Fort Holabird, Maryland; Project Officer-Research and Plans Div, Assistant Chief, Operating Division, Staff & Faculty, The Judge Advocate General’s School, Charlottesville, Virginia; Chief, Planning Div, Deputy Director, Reserve Activities and Plans Charlottesville, Virginia; Director, Reserve Activities and Plans Div; Executive for Reserve Affairs, Office of The Judge Advocate General, DA, Washington, D.C.; Deputy Staff Judge Advocate, Headquarters, U.S. Army Southern European Task Force Command, Vernona, Italy; Staff Judge Advocate, Headquarters, 4th Inf Div and Headquarters Fort Lewis, Fort Lewis, Washington; Director, U.S. National Strategy Studies, PA; Director, National Strategy Seminar, Director/Instructor International Law and US National Security Studies, Department of Strategy, USAWC, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, Staff & Faculty, Unnited States Army War College. | His awards and decorations include: Combat Infantryman Badge, Bronze Star Medal w/V and 2 Oak Leaf Cluster, Legion of Merit w/1 Oak Leaf Cluster.