William E. Neider
Colonel William Edmund Neidner was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Office Candidate School Class 56-42, August 25, 1942. His first duty assignment was as Platoon leader, 1513 Infantry, 87th Mountaineering Battalion. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Skiing Instructor, 1513 Infantry, 2d Division; Platoon Leader, 1513 Infinity, 87th Mtn Infantry; Executive Officer, 1513 Infantry, 10th Mtn Battalion; Mountaineering Instructor, 1513 Infantry, Headquarters Mountaineering Training Center; Tech Adv Mtn Troops; 1513 Infantry Dir Headquarters, WVMA; Mountaineering Instructor, 1513 Inf, 76th Division; Commander, 1513 Infantry, Company D, 86th Mtn Infantry; Battalion Executive Officer, 1st Battalion, 86th Mtn Infantry; Assistant Operations and Training Officer, Seattle POE, Fort Lewis, Washington, Assistant Director Opr and Training (Det Tng), Headquarters and Headquarters Co, Fort Richardson, Alaska; Chief Grd Plans Branch, Headquarters Alaskan Air Comd, Fort Richardson, Alaska; Chief Def Training Branch, Headquarters, Alaskan Air Cmd, Fort Richardson, Alaska; Chief Def Trg Br, Headquarters, U.S. Army, Alaska; Training Officer, 5112th ASU, Madison, Wisconsin; S3, Mtn Tng Sch 8147, Au Affe; Battalion Executive Officer and Commander, Headquarters Co, 2d Bn, 8th Cav Regiment, Au Affe; Regiment Executive, and Asst Regiment Exec, Headquarters & Headquarters Co Bn 8th Cav Regiment, Au Affe; Instructor, Log Comm Gp Staff Dept Co D ISD, Fort Benning, Georgia; AC of S G-4 Headquarters & Headquarters Co, 1st Cav Div, USARPAC, Korea; Post S-4, USA Garrison, Fort Sheridan, Illinois; Log Tng-Con Off, USA Air Mobile Test Unit, Fort Benning, Georgia; Chief Combat Service Spt, USA Air Mobile Test Unit, Fort Benning, Georgia; Director of Field Test Test Evaluation & Control, Fort Benning, Georgia; Asst Dep Dir-Opns, Dep Dir-Opns, Dir for Opns Dep Dir for O&M, Project TEAM, Fort Benning, Georgia; Special Project Officer, Headquarters USA Gar, Fort Benning, Georgia; Chief of Service Section, Headquarters USA Gar, Fort Benning, Georgia.