Waldo W. Brooks, Jr.
Colonel Waldo W. Brooks, Jr. was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School 20 January 1943, class number 156. His first duty assignment was as Platoon Leader, Company E, 187th Glider Inf, 11th Abn Div, Camp MacKall, North Carolina. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Platoon Leader, Company Executive Officer, Company E, 187th Glider Inf, 11th Abn Div, Fort Polk, Louisiana, New Guinea, Philippines; Company Executive Officer, Company Commander, Company E, Company I, 187th Para/Glider Inf, 11th Abn Div, Philippines and Japan; Company Commander, Anti-tank Company, 187th Prcht Inf, 11th Abn Div, Japan; S-3, 1st Bn, 187th Prcht Inf, 11th Abn Div, Japan; Asst Regiment S-3, Headquarters, 187th Prcht Inf, 11th Abn Div, Japan; Company Commander, Company M, 187th Prcht Inf, 11th Abn Div, Japan and Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Company Commander, Company M, 187th Prcht Inf, 11th Abn Div, Fort Campbell, Kentucky and Korea; Student, Infantry Advance Course; Student and Instructor in Staff Department, USAIS, Fort Benning, Georgia; Instructor, USAIS and Student CGSC, Fort Benning, GA; Student, CGSC and Regiment S-4, CGSC & 28th Inf, 8th Div, Germany; G-4 Staff Officer, Headquarters USAREUR, Germany; Staff Officer, Infantry Career Branch, Pentagon; Staff Officer, OPD, OPO, Pentagon; Battalion Commander, 2d Battalion, 3rd Brigade, Fort Ord, California; Asst G-3, 2d Bn, 3rd Bde & Headquarters, Fort Ord, California; Student, ICAF, Fort McNair, Virginia; ICAF and Field Team Chief, Iran; Chief, Committee Group USATC, Fort Campbell, Kentucky; USATC Brigade Commander, 1st Bde, USATC, Fort Campbell, Kentucky. | His awards and decorations include; Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V and Cluster, ARCOM w/3 Clusters, CIB w/Star, Senior Parachute Badge.