Thomas A. Green

Thomas A. Green

Thomas A. Green


Colonel Thomas Green was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Class OC-RC-2, 15 August 1966. His first duty assignment was Platoon Leader, 2nd Rifle Platoon, Company A, 1st Battalion, 161st Infantry Regiment, Army National Guard, Wenatchee Washington. | His subsequent duty assignments within the 1st Battalion, 161st Infantry Regiment included Weapons Platoon Leader, Detachment and Company Commander in Company A; Executive Officer and Detachment Commander in Company B; Commander of Combat Support Company; and Liaison Officer, S3 Air and S2 in the Battalion Headquarters; and within Headquarters, 81st Infantry Brigade (Mechanized), Army National Guard, Seattle, Washington, as S2 Air and Adjutant General and within Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (DCSOPS) at Headquarters, Washington Army National Guard, Camp Murray, Washington, include Director of the Skill Qualification Testing Branch (SQT) and Deputy Director and Director of the Non-Commissioned Officer Education System (NCO Schools); Executive Officer, 1st Battalion, 303d Armor Regiment, Army National Guard, Yakima, Washington; and within 104th Division (Training), United State Army Reserve, include S3 and Commander, 3rd Battalion, 416th Infantry Regiment, Yakima, Washington; and within 124th Army Reserve Command, Fort Lawton, Seattle, include Operations, Plans and Training Officer, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Intelligence (D.CSOI), Assistant and Acting Inspector General and Deputy Chief of Staff for Information Management (D.CSIM). | Colonel Green's military awards include: Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal, NCO Professional Development Ribbon and Army Service Ribbon. | Colonel Green served five terms, a total of twenty years, as a Chelan County Commissioner, in Wenatchee, Washington. As a member of the three-person County Commission, he served six periods as chair and was a member and chair of several associated local and regional boards. He was appointed by the Governor of Washington State to the Washington State Transportation Commission, the governing board for the Washington State Department of Transportation and Washington State Ferries. In this capacity he served as Commission Vice-Chair and Chair and also as Chair of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Ferry Safety. He was also appointed by the Governor to the Washington State Emergency Management Council. In this capacity he served as Council Vice-Chair and Chair but also served as founding Co-Chair of the Council’s Committee on Terrorism. He retired from the United States Army and serves in numerous voluntary roles.

Additional Information

Graduated From
Fort Benning, Georgia
Key Assignment
Assistant and Acting Inspector General | Deputy Chief of Staff | Information Management (D.CSIM)
Highest Award
Meritorious Service Medal
Graduation Year
Year Inducted
Branch Of Service

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Sankalp Menon

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