Roger C. Bultman


Roger C. Bultman


Colonel Roger C. Bultman was commissioned as an Infantry Officer upon his graduation from OCS Class #2 on 16 December 1966. His first assignment upon commissioning was Training Officer, A Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade (BCT), Fort Ord, CA. | His subsequent assignments include: Platoon Leader, 196th Lt Inf Bde, Vietnam; Bn Asst S-3, 199th Lt Inf Bde, Vietnam; Platoon Leader, l99th Lt Inf Bde, Vietnam; Installation S-2, MACV, Vietnam; Inf Co. CDR, 1st Cav Div (Airmobile), Vietnam; MACV Officer, III Corps HQ, Vietnam; MACV Liaison Officer, Australia; Control Group RCPAC, St. Louis, MO; Div Asst  G-3, 84th Div (TRNG), Milwaukee, WI; Div Chief Test Officer, 84th Div (TRNG), Milwaukee, WI; Bn S-2/S-3 3rd Bn, 3rd Bde, 84th Div (TRNG), Milwaukee, WI; Bn XO 3rd Bn, 3rd Bde, 84th Div (TRNG), Milwaukee, WI; Div G-2, 84th Div (TRNG), Milwaukee, WI; CMD Coord, Office of Enlisted Personnel Management Directorate, RCPAC, St. Louis, MO; Div Chief, IRR Enlisted Management Div, OEPMD, RCPAC, St. Louis, MO; Director, IRR Enlisted Management Directorate, RCPAC, St. Louis, MO; Staff Officer, Retention and Transition Branch, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, Washington, D.C; USAR Program Analyst, Office of the Chief of Staff, Army, Washington, D.C; Commander, Army Reserve Support Operations Center, Office of the Chief, Army Reserve, Washington, D.C; Chief, Program and Liaison Office, OCAR; Commander, Army Reserve Support Operations Center, ARSOC, Washington, D.C.; and XO, Office of the Chief, Army Reserve, Washington, D.C. | Colonel Bultman is currently serving as Commander, Army Reserve Support Operations Center, Washington, D.C. | Colonel Bultman is a graduate of the Infantry Officer Advanced Course, Command & General Staff College, and the Army War College. | His military awards and decorations include: Legion of Merit, Bronze Star w/1 Oak Leaf Cluster, Meritorious Service Medal w/1 Oak Leaf Cluster, Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal w/1 Oak Leaf Cluster, Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal w/8 Campaign Stars, Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal, Combat Infantryman Badge and Army General Staff Identification Badge.

Additional Information

Graduated From
Fort Benning, Georgia
Key Assignment
Platoon Leader, 196th Lt Inf Bde, Vietnam
Highest Award
Legion of Merit
Year Inducted
Branch Of Service

Author Info

Sankalp Menon

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