Joseph H. Kastner
Brigadier General Joseph H. Kastner first entered the Army as a private in December 1951. Following a brief tour as an enlisted man in Korea with the 2d Infantry Division, he was commissioned through OCS in January 1953. Subsequently, he served in developmental assignments with the 37th Infantry Division at Fort Polk, Louisiana. He returned to civilian life in January 1954 in order to pursue his education. | During this period, General Kastner was also employed by the General Motors Corporation. There, he met and married Patricia Ann Severance in Janesville, Wisconsin. General Kastner received a Regular Army appointment as a civilian and he reentered active service in August 1955. | General Kastner served in a variety of Aviation and Infantry related assignments. He has commanded at all company and field grade levels, and has completed two tours in both Korea and Vietnam. He commanded the 158th Aviation Battalion in combat, and the 12th Aviation Group, XVIII Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg. The General has had numerous unit, mid, and high level staff positions. His career spans tours with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Army General Staff, and MILPERCEN, where he was Chief, Assignments Section, Infantry Branch. | As a Colonel, he was Chief, Aviation Division, ODCSOPS, Headquarters DA. Upon his promotion, he assumed the position of Deputy Director of Operations, Operations Directorate, ODCSOPS, Headquarters DA. He has also served as the Deputy Commandant of the U.S. Army War College for one year at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. General Kastner assumed the duties of Assistant Division Commander (Support), 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) 15 August 1977 and duties of Chief of Staff, United States Army Japan, 21 June 1979. | General Kastner is a Master Army Aviator with nearly 7,000 hours of flying. His awards and decorations include, among others: The Legion of Merit (2); the Distinguished Flying Cross (2); the Bronze Star with Valor (2); the Meritorious Service Medal (2); the Air Medal (10); the Army Commendation Medal (4); the Purple Heart (2); and the Combat Infantryman Badge. He is a graduate of the Aviation Safely Officer’s Course, University of Southern California. He graduated from the University of Illinois with a BA degree in English and History. He is also a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College acquiring a Master of Military Arts and Sciences degree. He graduated from the United States Army War College with the Class of 1971.