John M. Schuster
Brigadier General John M. Schuster was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Reserve Component Class 1-68, 24 May 1968. His first duty assignment was as Platoon Leader, 3d Rifle Weapon Platoon, Company C, 1st Battalion, 128th Infantry, Wisconsin Army National Guard. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Platoon Leader and Commander, Company B, 147th Signal Battalion, 47th Infantry Division - Minnesota; S-2/3,S-4, 302d Maintenance Battalion, 88th United States Army Reserve Command, Fort Snelling, Minnesota; Umpire/Controller, 85th Division Maneuver Training Command, 5th United States Army, Fort Sheridan, Illinois; Chief Umpire/Controller, Exercise Team Leader, 85th Division, Maneuver Training Command, Fifth United States Army, Fort Sheridan, Illinois; Commander, 961st Engineer Battalion (Combat) (Heavy), 416th Engineer Command, 5th United States Army, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Assistant Chief of Staff, Plans and Operations and Special Projects Officer, 416th Engineer Command, Fourth United States Army, Chicago, Illinois; Commander, 385th Engineer Group, 88th United States Army Reserve Command, Fort Snelling, Minnesota; Deputy Chief of Staff, Resource Management, 88th United States Army Reserve Command, Fort Snelling, Minnesota; Chief of Staff and Deputy Commander West (Designate), 88th Regional Support Command, Fort Snelling, Minnesota; Deputy Commanding General, United States Army 88th Regional Support Command, Fort Snelling, Minnesota.