John M. Riggs


John M. Riggs


Major General John M. Riggs was commissioned an Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Class 14-69, 3 April 1969. His first duty assignment was as Tactical Officer, 92nd Company OC, Fort Benning, Georgia. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Section Commander/Asst Opns Off, 180th Aslt Spt Company, Tuy Hoa, Vietnam; S-4, 101st Combat Aviation Group, Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Company Commander, HHC/101st Combat Aviation Group, Fort Campbell, Kentucky; S-3, 1st Bde, Fort Lewis, Washington; Company Commander, 3rd Company/39th Infantry, Fort Lewis, Wwashington; Opns Off, 9th Infantry Bn, Fort Lewis, Washington; Company Commander, Aslt Hel Co/9th Inf Bn, Fort Lewis, Washington; Combat Div Staff Off, Deputy Chf of Staff for Opns, The Pentagon, Washington, D.C.; Bn Cdr, 19th Avn Bn, Camp Humphrey, Korea; Chief, Mat, Log, Spt Div/Dir of Combat Dev, Fort Rucker, Alabama; Bde Cdr, 17th Avn Bde, Yongsan, Korea; Military Asst to D.CMC, U.S. Delegation to NATO, Brussels, Belgium; Asst Div Cdr, 3rd Inf Div, Bamberg, Germany; Deputy Commanding General, U.S. Army Aviation Center, Fort Rucker, Alabama. | Brigadier General Riggs is a graduate of Tarkio College and Central Michigan University, and he completed a National Security Fellowship at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. His military eduction and traning includes: Infantry Officers’ Advanced Course, Command and General Staff College and Senior Service College. | His military awards include: Legion of Merit w/3 Oak Leaf Clusters, Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Army Meritorious Service Medal w/1 Oak Leaf Cluster, Air Medal w/23 Oak Leaf Clusters.

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Key Assignment
Section Commander/Asst Opns Off, 180th Aslt Spt Company, Tuy Hoa, Vietnam
Highest Award
Legion of Merit
Year Inducted
Major General

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Sankalp Menon

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