John E. Emerson, Jr.


John E. Emerson, Jr.


Colonel John E. Emerson, Jr. was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School, 11 August 1942, class number 47. His first duty assignment was as Instructor Weapons Section, The Infantry School. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Company Commander, 86th Inf, 10th Inf Div; Company Commander, 349th Inf, 88th Div, Italy; Regimental Staff Officer, 349th Inf, 88th Div, Italy; ORC Unit Instructor, ORC Instructor Group, Fort Rosecrans, California; Unit Admin, 23d Inf, 2d Div; Unit Admin, Platoon Leader, Company Commander, 23d Inf, 2d Div; Battalion S-1, I. I. O. 23d Inf, 2d Div; ACofS, G-2, Headquarters, 7th Armd Div, Camp Roberts; Assistant Attache, Office Army Attache Sweden; G-3 Section, Headquarters, Sixth USA; Chief, Mvr Br, ACofS, G-3, Headquarters, Sixth U.S. Army; Infantry Advisor FTT, Headquarters, Sixth USA/Armish MAAG - Iran; Chief, FTT 7, Armish MAAG, Iran; Project Officer, SGS, Headquarters, USACDC.EC, SGS/Commander, 4th Bn, 41st Inf (M), Headquarters, USACDEC, Commander, 194th Armd Bde; Chief, Pers Management, ACofS, G-1, Headquarters, USARAL, SGS, Headquarters, USARAL. | Colonel Emerson's awards and decorations include: Bronze Star Medal w/2 Oak Leaf Cluster; Silver Starl w/Oak Leaf Cluster; DSG.

Additional Information

Graduated From
Fort Benning, Georgia
Key Assignment
Company Commander, 86th Inf, 10th Inf Div
Highest Award
Silver Star
Year Inducted
Branch Of Service

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Sankalp Menon

Member since 5 years ago
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