George A. Youngman
Colonel George A. Youngman was commissioned a Military Intelligence Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Class 43-67, 31 July 1967. His first duty assignment was as an Interrogation Officer, 101st Military Intelligence Detachment, 101st Airborne Division, Republic of Vietnam. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Instructor, Interrogation Committee, U.S. Army Intelligence School, Fort Holabird, Maryland; Instructor, Combat Intelligence, U.S. Army Pacific Intelligence School, Okinawa, Japan; Chief, Intelligence Branch, 1st Maneuver Training Command, Denver, Colorado; Commander, 405th Military Intelligence Detachment (Strategic), Aurora, Colorado; Commandant, 5046th U.S. Army Reserve School, Aurora, Colorado; Commander, 6th Brigade, 91st Division (Exercise), Denver, Colorado. | Colonel Youngman was assigned to the Retired Reserve after nearly 30 years of commissioned service. In civilian life he owns his own multi-plant wholesale and retail dry cleaning business in Denver, Colorado.