George A. Scott, Jr.


George A. Scott, Jr.


Colonel George A. Scott was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School 20 September 1943, class number 298. His first duty assignment was as Rifle Platoon Leader, Company B, 411th Infantry, Camp Howze, Texas. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Rifle Platoon Leader, Co B, 321st Inf, Palau Islands, New Caledonia; Company Commander, Co B, 321st Inf, Leyte, Japan; Rifle Platoon Leader, Co F, 25th Inf, Fort Benning, Georgia; CO NCO School, Aide-de-Camp, Headquarters Co, 33d Inf, Headquarters PCS, CG Panama; Recon Off, Co D, 1st Inf Bn, Panama; Assistant S3, Headquarters Co, 1st Inf Bn, Panama; Asst PMS&T, Kentucky Mil Inst, Lyndon, Kentucky; Commander, Co B, 6th Inf, Berlin, Asst S3, Headquarters Co, 6th Inf, Berlin; S-3, Headquarters Co, 6th Inf, Berlin; Instructor, Opns Committee, The Infantry School; G3, ARSEC Advisor, MAAG, Taiwan; Plans Off, G1, USCONARC, Headquarters, USCONARC, Fort Monroe, Virginia; Staff Off, Pers Mgmt Div G1 USCONARC, Headquarters, USCONARC; Chief Pers Mgmt Br MPM Div G1, USCONARC, Headquarters, USCONARC; Mil Pers Off, Mil Pers Br, Headquarters, USARPAC, Fort Shafter, Hawaii; Commander, Headquarters, 2d Bn, 35th Inf, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii; Commander, Headquarters, 2d Bn, 35th Inf/Headquarters IFF FORCE V, Pleiku, Vietnam/Dep G3, Nha Trang, Vietnam; Dep Dir/Dir, USAIS, Co Opns Dept. | Colonel Scott is authorized to wear the Combat Infantryman Badge 2nd Award.

Additional Information

Graduated From
Fort Benning, Georgia
Key Assignment
Rifle Platoon Leader, Co B, 321st Inf, Palau Islands, New Caledonia
Highest Award
Combat Infantryman Badge
Year Inducted
Branch Of Service

Author Info

Sankalp Menon

Member since 5 years ago
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