Galen C. Morey


Galen C. Morey


Colonel Galen C. Morey was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School 5 May 1943, class number 232. His first duty assignment was as Instructor, IRTC, Fort McClellan, Alabama. | His subsequent duty assignments include:  Co Ofcr, Cmte, Ch Off Adv Class, USAIS; Platoon Leader, Company Commander, 145th Inf, 37th Div, Luzon, PI; Ins Off, Custodian CPF, IRTC, Camp Roberts, California; Company Commander, and Regimental Adjutant, 17th Inf, 7th Div, Korea; National Censorship Officer, G2, DA; Battalion Executive Officer, BG S2 and BG S4, 35th Inf, 25th Div, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii; CH, Manpower & Org Br, Field Command, Def Atomic Spt; Army Plans Officer, Agency, Sandia Base, N.M.; Infantry Advisor, FTT, 2A Turkey, Instructor and Cmte Ch, Attack Cmte, BBOD, USAIS; Battalion Commander, 8th Bn Chief Of Staff, USATC-I, Fort Benning. | Colonel Morey's awards and decorations include: BG Badge, ARCOM (1 Oak Leaf Cluster), CIB (1 star), Bronze Star Medal w/2 Oak Leaf Clusters.

Additional Information

Graduated From
Fort Benning, Georgia
Key Assignment
Co Ofcr, Cmte, Ch Off Adv Class, USAIS
Highest Award
Bronze Star Medal
Year Inducted
Branch Of Service

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Sankalp Menon

Member since 5 years ago
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