Frederick V. Banse-Fay
Colonel Frederick V. Banse-Fay was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School in 1945. His first duty assignment was as Platoon Leader, IRTC, Fort McClellan, Alabama. | His subsequent duty assignment include: Ord Corps, Philippine Islands; Commander, 345th Ord Depot Co, Manila, Philippine Islands; Commander, 579th Ord , Angeles, Philippine; TJA, 47th Ord Group, Angeles, Philippine; Recruiting Officer and Dist Support Officer, Sony-New Jersey, Recruiting Dist, New York City; Platoon Leader 2d Battalion, 9th Infantry, 2d Division, Korea; Instructor, Staff Department, The Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia; Chief Club and Messes Off, HACOM, Heidelberg, Germany; Advisor USAR MOS Schedule, II USA Corps, Fort Hamilton, New York; Reserve Center Commander, II USA Corps, St John University, New York; Chief Clubs and Messes, Headquarters Spt Act, U.S. Navy, Saigon; Battalion Commander and regimental Executive Officer, 3d Training Regiment, fort Dix, New Jersey; Director of Logistics/Post Executive Officer, Headquarters USA Gar, Fort Hamilton, New York; Chairman, Small Arms Command, Wpns Department, USAIS, Fort Benning, Georgia; Secretary/Custodian, Heidelberg, Germany. | His awards and decorations include: Combat Infantryman Badge, Bronze Star (with V Device), Arm Commendation Medal (3 Oak Leaf Clusters), and the Purple Heart.