"Lieutenant Colonel E.T. Gorecki was commissioned upon graduation from Officer Candidate School on 12 May 1942, class number 11. His first duty assignment was as Platoon Leader, ATCO 314th Infantry 79th Division, Camp Pickett, Virginia. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Company Commander, ATCO 314th Inf, 79th Div, Camp Blanding, Florida; Company Commander, ATCO 314th Inf, 79th Div, European Theatre of Operations; Instructor, The Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia; S5, Headquarters, Berlin Mil Post, Berlin Germany; Intel Off, ODI, CINorth CarolinaEUR, Berlin Germany; Instr/ Advisor, 5104 ASU, NY; Bn Commander, 7th Cavalry Regiment; Executive Officer 7th Cav Regiment; Instructor, The Infantry School. | Lieutenant Colonel Gorecki's awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal w/Cluster, Purple Heart, CBI, European Theater of Operations w/5 campaigns."