Colonel John F. Nolden


Colonel John F. Nolden


COL John F. Nolden was commissioned as an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, Georgia, 28 September 1993. His first duty assignment was with the 101stAirborne Division as a Platoon Leader for C Company, 1-502 Infantry Regiment at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.​

His subsequent duty assignments include: Mortar Platoon Leader and S-3 Air- 1-502 IN; Assistant S-3 & Company Commander: 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division- Fort Lewis, Washington; Executive Officer & Aide-De-Camp: Brigade Coordination Cell- Fort Lewis, Washington, Small Group Instructor: 11th Infantry Division- Fort Benning, Georgia; Chief, Strategic Plans and Programs: Special Forces Command- MacDill Air Force Base, Florida and Bagram AF; Chief, Force Management Division, I Corps- Fort Lewis, Washington, Chief, Force Management Division (G-38): 3rd U.S. Army, Shaw Air Force Base, SC; Senior Advisor & Chief Force Management Div: USFOR-A, Kabul & Bagram, AF; Chief, Force Programs Division: HQDA G-3/5/7 Force Management: Pentagon.​

His military education and training includes: Airborne School, Ranger School, Primary Leader Development Course, Officer Candidate School, Infantry Officer Basic Course, Air Assault School, Aviation Captains Career Course, Combined Arms Services Staff School, Bradley Course, Infantry Mortar Leaders Course, Command and General Staff College, Joint Planner Course, Force Management Qualification Course, Joint Combined Warfare Course, Naval War College Masters of Arts.

His highest military awards include: Legion of Merit (2nd Award), Bronze Star Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (6th Award), Ranger Tab, Expert Infantryman Badge, Army Commendation Medal (2nd Award), Joint Service Achievement Medal, Army Achievement Medal (2nd Award)​.

At the time of his Hall of Fame selection, COL Nolden was serving as the Force Design Director, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. ​

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Mary Cilia

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