Charles John Winn


Charles John Winn


Colonel Charles J. Winn was commissioned a second lieutenant upon graduation from Infantry OCS Class 30-69 (92nd Co).  His first duty assignment was at Fort Gordon, GA, as a Company Training Officer with the 2nd BCT Brigade; and later a Unit XO with Hqs & Co A, 3rd Bn, U.S. Army Southeastern Signal School.  He then served in Vietnam on a Mobile Advisory Team and was later attached to HHC 268th Combat Aviation Battalion as an Asst S2.  After release from active duty, he remained active in the reserve components while attending Rhode Island College, serving in the RI Army National Guard (ARNG) with Co D 19th SFG(A); and later with the USAR 76th Div Maneuver Training Command.  In 1976, he transferred to the MA ARNG with the 2nd Bn (Mech) 181st Inf 26th Inf Div, serving as S3 Air, Combat Support Company Commander, S2, and Rifle Company Commander. As a member of the MA ARNG full-time support force for six years, he managed the 18,000-acre Camp Edwards range complex; and later served as the Operations Officer of the 1st Bn 181 Inf, Engineer Plans Officer at the MARNG State Area Command, and Executive Officer of the 1st Bn 181st Inf. He returned to active duty in 1983, as an Asst Professor of Military Science and later, Commandant of Cadets at Tuskegee University, Alabama; and as the ARNG Plans, Policy and Training Coordinator at Fort Devens, MA.  His senior level assignments included the National Guard Bureau (NGB) as an ARNG Readiness Improvement Officer; HQDA DCSOPS (DAMO-TR) where he developed ARNG combat unit training strategies; and coordinated the Title XI General Officer Steering Committee that extended the ARNG Combat Readiness Reform Act provisions to the USAR.  Winn was then assigned to NGB as the Asst Executive to the Director, ARNG; and later to Office of the Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs (OASD/RA) where he served on the DEPSECDEF Tiger Team that developed the organization for defending against domestic Weapons of Mass Destruction terrorism, established by Presidential Decision Directive 62.  From Jan 1998 until Jul 2000, he was the Senior National Guard Advisor for U.S. Forces Korea and Eighth U.S. Army.  He retired from active duty on 1 Dec 2000, serving as Special Assistant for Strategic Planning to the Director of the ARNG, NGB.

His awards and decorations include the LOM (1OLC), DMSM, MSM (2OLC), JSCM, ARCOM (2OLC), AAM (1OLC); GCM, ARCAM, NDSM w/star, VSM, KDSM, HSM, RVNCM, RVN CofG w/Palm (unit), CIB, Parachutist Badge, HQDA Staff and OSD Staff ID Badges.  His military education includes the U.S. Army Infantry School’s Airborne and Officer Advanced Courses, Command and General Staff College, and the U.S. Army War College.  He holds a B.A. from Rhode Island College and was inducted into Phi Alpha Theta Historical Honor Society; and a M.S. from Troy State University.

Additional Information

Graduated From
Fort Benning, Georgia
Key Assignment
Senior National Guard Advisor, Eighth U.S. Army and U.S. Forces Korea
Highest Award
Year Inducted
Branch Of Service

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Sankalp Menon

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