Charles H. Gailes, Jr.
Major General Charles H. Gailes, Jr. was commissioned an Infantry Officer detailed Armor upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Class OCRC 2-84, 26 October 1984. His first duty assignment was as Tank Platoon Leader in Alpha Company, 1st of the 152nd Armor Battalion in the Alabama Army National Guard. | His subsequent assignments include: Platoon Leader, Detachment Commander, and Company Commander, 1166th Military Police Company; Assistant S3, S4, then S3 for the 231st Military Police Battalion in Prattville, Alabama; Plans Officer, Assistant Support Operations Officer, then S2/S3 for the 122nd Corps Support Group in Selma, Alabama; Commander of the 231st Military Police Battalion in Prattville, Alabama and Baghdad, Iraq; Commander, Task Force Guardian (as part of Hurricane Katrina response in Mississippi); Commander of Detachment 1, 200th Materiel Management Center, Homewood, Alabama; Deputy Commander, 135th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), Homewood, Alabama; Deputy Commander, then Brigade Commander, 31st Chemical Brigade, Northport, Alabama; Commander of Task Force Tuscaloosa (in response to the 27 April 2011 tornadoes in Alabama); and Commander, 167th Sustainment Command (Theater), Fort McClellan, Alabama; Commander, Contingency Command Post and Task Force 51, United States Army North (ARNORTH) and Fifth United States Army, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. | Major General Gailes is a graduate of The University of Alabama. His military education includes: Armor Officer Basic Course, Military Police Officer Advanced Course, Quartermaster Officer Advanced Course, Command and Services Staff School, Command and General Staff College, Advanced Joint Professional Military Education, the Dual Status Commander's Course and the United States Army War College.