Bruce T. Coggins
Brigadier General Bruce T. Coggins was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School 28 March 1944, class number 320A. His first duty assignment was as Platoon Leader, Company B, 85th Mountain Infantry, 10th Mountain Division, Camp Hale, Colorado and swift Texas. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Platoon Leader, Company B and Company Commander, Company A, 85th Mountain Infantry, 10th Mountain Division, Italy; Counsel on courts-martial, SJA Office, Yokohama Command and Northern area command; Action Officer, Military Affairs Division, OTJAG, Department of the Army; Assistant SJA, 25th Infantry Division and USARHAW; SJA, Headquarters Army Security Agency, Arlington Hall, Virginia; Assistant Executive Officer and Chief, Career Management Division, OTJAG, Pentagon, Washington; SJA, Headquarters, USATC, Fort Ord, California; Deputy Judge Advocate, Headquarters, Seventh Army, Heidleberg, Germany; SJA, Eighth U.S. Army and Headquarters, UNC/U.S. Forces, Seoul, Korea; Assistant Judge Advocate General for Civil Law, Pentagon, Washington.