Allen R. Swaim


Allen R. Swaim


Colonel Allan L. Swaim was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School, 17 July 1942, Class Number 36. His first duty assignment was as Platoon Leader and Commo Officer, Company K, 3d Battalion, 30th Infantry, 3d Division, Fort Ord, California, Camp Pickett, Virginia, and North Africa. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Battalion and Regiment Commo Officer, 3d Battalion, 30th Infantry & 15th Infantry, 3d Division, Tunixia, Sicily, and Salerno-Volturno, Italy; Regiment Como, Headquarters Company, 15th Infantry, 3d Infantry Division, Southern Italy and Anzio; Instructor Como. Section The Infantry School, Staff and Faculty The Infantry School, Fort Benning Georgia; Student, The Infantry School, Infantry School Advance; Company CO, Company C, 33d Infantry, Fort Gulick, Canal Zone, USARCARIB; S-2 and S-4, 7474 SU (Tac Gp), Fort Gulick and Fort Kobbe, USARCARIB; Assistant Regiment S3, Headquarters 33d Infantry, Fort Kobbe, C.Z., USARCARIB; Battalion S3 and Executive Officer, 1st Battalion, 33d Infantry, Fort Kobbe, Canal Zone, USARCARIB; Student, Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; PMS&T, Det 18, 1242d SU, New York, The Namlius School, Manlius, New York; Senior Adv and G3 Adv, 29 ROKA Division, KMAG, 8202d SU, III ROKA Corps, Korea; G2 -G4 and CofS Advisor to III ROKA Corps, Korea; Regiment Executive Officer and Bde Executive Officer and Acting Commanding Officer, 11th Infantry, 5th Division, 3d Bde (6003-12), Fort Ord, California; ACofS G3, Headquarters, 3d Bde, Headquarters USATC, Fort Ord, USATC and Army Garrison; Assistant ACofS G3 (Opns), Headquarters VII Corps, USAREUR; Assistant CofS G2, Headquarters VII Corps, USAREUR, Border opns E. Germany-Czech; Commanding Officer, Bgdn Rec Area and Station, Berchtesgaden-Cheimsee Recreation Area; Division Advisor, 34th Division, 5th USA ADGRU, Des Moines, Iowa; Senior Army Advisor to the State of Iowa, Iowa Army National Guard. | Colonel Swaim's awards and decorations include: Legion of Merit w/1 Oak Leaf Cluster, Bronze Star Medal, CIB, Am Def Service Medal, World War II Victory Medal, EAME Camp. Medal, 3 O/S Bars, Ital, Medal of Valor, National Defense Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Am. Camp. Medal.

Additional Information

Graduated From
Fort Benning, Georgia
Key Assignment
Platoon Leader and Commo Officer, Company K, 3d Battalion, 30th Infantry, 3d Division, Fort Ord, California, Camp Pickett, Virginia, and North Africa
Highest Award
Legion of Merit
Graduation Year
Year Inducted
Branch Of Service

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Sankalp Menon

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