Alfred J. Grigsby
Colonel Alfred J. Grigsby was commissioned an Artillery Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School 20 May 1947, class number 5. His first duty assignment include Assistant Executive Officer, Battery A, 2d Field Artillery, Fort Sill, Oklahoma. | His subsequent duty assignment include: Executive Officer and Assistant S-2, Reconnaissance Survey Officer and Battery Executive Officer, Headquarters Battery, Battery A and Service Battery, 96th Field Artillery Battalion, Fort Sill, Oklahoma; Forward and Battalion Survey Officer, Battery A, 99th Field Artillery, Battery and Headquarters Battery, Korea; Assistant S-3, 99th Field Artillery Battalion, Japan; Instructor and Research and Analysis Officer, Department of Material, Fort Sill, Oklahoma; S-1/S-4/Service Battery Commander, 267th Armored Field Artillery Battalion; S-4 36th Field Artillery Group, Germany; Combat Development Staff Officer, Headquarters, U.S. Army Combat Developments Command (CONARC), Fort Belvoir, Virginia; Training Directorate, Headquarters, US MAC V, Chief of Literature, Vietnam; Chief Program Review Division and Battalion Commander, U.S. Army Field Artillery School and 7th Battalion, 8th Artillery, Fort Sill, Oklahoma; Battalion Commander and Group Executive Officer, 2d Battalion, 30th Field Artillery, and Headquarters Battery, 9th Field Artillery Missile, Fort Sill, Oklahoma; Director of Land Combat Department, U.S. Army Missile and Missile Center and School, Red Stone Arsenal, Alabama; Chief, Inspection division, Headquarters, U.S. MACV, Vietnam; Senior Army Advisor, U.S. Army Advisory Group, Army Readiness Region VII, 5th Army USA, Fort Sill, Oklahoma. | Colonel Grigsby's awards and decorations include: Army Commendation Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Bronze Star Medal w/ Oak Leaf Cluster, Legion of Merit.