Albert S. Madding
Lieutenant Colonel Albert S. Madding was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School on 19 August 1942, class number 52. His first duty assignment was as Instructor, USAIS, Fort Benning, Georgia. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Platoon Leader, Company Commander, Merrill’s Marauders Mars Task Force, Burma; Repl Battalion Commander, USAIS, 3d S.T.R.; Assistant PMS&T, ROTC, Ogden, Utah; Battalion Executive 504 A.I.R., 82nd Abn Div, Fort Bragg, North Carolina; G-2 Section, 82nd Abn Div, Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Operations Officer, C.I.A., Korea; Battalion Executive and Commander, 61st Inf, 8th Div, Fort Carson, Colorado; Battalion Commander, 77th Spec Forces, Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Det Co, 14th Spec Forces, Fort Shafter, Territory of Hawaii; Group Commander, 1st Spec Forces Gp, SF Cadre tng in Taiwan & Vietnam; Group Executive Officer, SF Cadre Tng in Korea; OACSI, Department of the Army, Latin America Branch - Army Intelligence; Ranger Dept, USAIS, Platoon Tactics-Committee Chairman. | Lieutenant Colonel Madding's awards and decorations include: Special Forces; Order of Flying Cloud (Chinese) Master Parachutist; Purple Heart; Bronze Star (V & Cluster) Commendation Ribbon; Silver Star.