Albert E. Gorsky
Major General Albert Eugene Gorsky was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School on 3 June 1953. His first duty assignment was as Platoon Leader, Company E, 167th Infantry. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Platoon Leader, Company M, 167th Infantry; Assistant S-1, Billeting Officer, 167th Infantry; Platoon Leader, Company L, 35th Regiment, FEC; Platoon Leader, Company A, 17th Regiment, FEC; Assistant S-3, HHC 3d Battalion, 353d Infantry, 89th Division (Tng); Platoon Leader, Company 1, 3d Battalion, 353d Infantry, 89th Division (Tng); Commanding Officer, Company M, 3d Battalion, 353d Infantry, 89th Division (Tng); Platoon Leader, Company M, 3d Battalion, 353d Infantry, 89th Division (Tng); Platoon Leader, Detachment 7, 4th Brigade (CST), 89th Division (Tng); Platoon Leader, Detachment 1, 4th Brigade (CST), 89th Division (TNG); Detachment Commander, Det 1, 4th Bde, (CST), 89th Division (TNG); S-2, S-3, S-4, 4th Brigade (CST), 89th Division (Tng); Commanding Officer, 1st Battalion, 4th Brigade (CST), 89th Division (Tng); Deputy Chief of Staff, Headquarters, 70th Division (Tng); G-4, Headquarters, 70th Division (Tng); Executive Officer, 2d Brigade (BCT), 70th Division (Tng); Commanding Officer, 2d Brigade (BCT), 70th Division (Tng); Chief of Staff, & Special Assistant to Commander, 70th Division (Tng); Acting Assistant Division Commander, Assistant Division Commander (BG on MOB), 70th Division (Tng); Deputy Commanding General, Acting Commanding General, Headquarters, 102d USARCOM; Commanding General, Headquarters, 102d USARCOM. | His awards and decorations include: Meritorious Service Medal w/2 Oak Leaf Cluster, National Defense Service Medal, Korean Service Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal w/V Device, Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal, United National Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Ribbon. | Military schools attended include: Infantry Officers Advance Course, Command and General Staff College, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, General Officer Orientation Course, Army War College, Chemical Officer Course. | Major General Gorsky is currently serving as Commanding General, 102d United States Army Reserve Command, St Louis, MI.