Alan C. Saunders


Alan C. Saunders


Colonel Alan C. Saunders was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Class 5-85, 13 December 1985. His first duty assignment was as a Rifle Platoon Leader, Bravo Company, 1-36 Infantry, Friedberg, Germany. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Scout Platoon Leader, HHC 1-36 INF, Friedberg, GE; Company XO, D CO, 1-36 INF, Friedberg, GE; S-3 (Air), HHC 1st Brigade, 101st ABN, Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Rifle Company Commander, B Company 2-327th Infantry, 101st ABN Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Assistantt Professor Military Science James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA; Investigator, NGB-1G, Washington, D.C.; Chief of Investigations, NGB-1G, Washington, D.C.; Chief, Officer MGT Branch NGB-AR2-T, Washington, D.C.; Team Chief, Investigations SAIG- IN, Washington, D.C.; Team Chief, Investigations Branch, SAIG-IN, Washington, D.C. | Colonel Saunders is a graduate of OCS, 10BC, Airborne, Ranger, Air Assault, IOAC, CAS3, CGSC, Inspector General Course, FA43 qualification course. | His military awards and decorations include: the Soldier’s Medal, three Military Service Medals, four Army Commendation Medals, four Army Achievement Medals, the Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantry Badge, Parachutist and Air Assault Badges and the Army Staff Identification Badge.

Additional Information

Graduated From
Fort Benning, Georgia
Key Assignment
Team Chief | Investigations Branch, SAIG-IN | Washington, D.C.
Highest Award
Army Commendation Medal
Graduation Year
Year Inducted
Branch Of Service

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Sankalp Menon

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