Kenneth E. Rexrode
Colonel Kenneth E. Rexrode was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Class 2-59, 14 April 1959. His first duty assignment was as a Company Grade Officer at the USASA Training Regiment. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Operations Officer/Commander, 330th ASA Company (OPS), Fort Wolters, Texas in Support of II1 Corp; Commander of 103rd USASA COMSEC Detachment, also Liasion Officer to USCOM ZEUR, France; S3/S4/ Operations Officer, USASA Field Station, Rothwesten, Germany; Chief, Fixed Station Branch, Operations Division, G50, Naval Security Group, Washington, D.C. (ASA/NSG Officer Exchange Program); Assistant G2, Third Marine Amphibious Force, Republic of Vietnam (Army Augmentation Cell); Commander, 201st MI Det, XXIIIIth Corp, Republic of Vietnam; Action Officer, Management Div, ODCSPER, USASA, Arlington Hall Station, Virginia; Commander, Support BN USASA School Brigade, Fort Devens, Massachusetts; Responsible for Command and Support of Instructor and Staff personnel; EW Officer, Supreme Commander's Staff, Iran; One of 2 U.S. officers on the the Shah's military staff; Responsible for establishing Iranian National EW Policy. (Technical Assistance Field Team Program); Commande,r 302nd ASA BN V Corp Europe; Responsible for Command and Control of all V Corp Intelligence/EW and Security units, and providing those supports to Commander, V Corp; Special Assistant V Corp, Europe; Responsible for all intelligence and EW; Planning for REFORGER 78; ACS for intelligence (G2), 8th Inf. Div. Europe; Responsible to the Commander for all intelligence, EW and security actions within the Army's largest Division; Action Officer/ Chief, Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, Electronic Warfare Division, Directorate of Requirements, ODCSOPS, DA; Responsible for force integration of all ground based SIGINT/EW systems in the Army and supervision of a 14- man division; Vice Director, Joint Electronic Warfare Center, established to provide Comprehensive analytical support upon request to Electronic Warfare aspects of Military operations and EW technical assistance to the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Military Services, the unified and specified commands And other DOD agencies; Commanded assigned Army personnel. | Colonel Rexrode's military awards and decorations include: Legion of Merit w/ Oak Leaf Cluster, Bronze Star Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal w/2 Oak Leaf Clusters and the Army Commendation Medal w/ Oak Leaf Cluster. | Colonel Rexrode is deceased.